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Help interpreting Immunophenotyping (NK) test


Senior Member
Could someone help me interpret my daughter's results from an Immunophenotyping test.

Test Name(s)--------------Result--------------------Abn--Reference Range--Units
Hematology Panel
Test Comment CD57----Results.Fraction=0.22.
-------------------------------Absolute=0.66 x10
-------------------------------9/L.Reference ranges
-------------------------------are not available at this

Test Name(s)--------------------Result-------------Abn---Reference Range----Units
Immunophenotyping by Flow Cytometry

CD3+ CD4+ Cells---------------0.48------------------------0.27-0.60-------------Fraction
CD4 Cells Absolute-------------1.44----------------H-----0.41-1.33-------------X10 9/L
CD3+ CD8+ Cells---------------0.34----------------H-----0.12-0.32-------------Fraction
CD8 Cells Absolute-------------1.02----------------H-----0.20-0.78-------------X10 9/L
CD3 Cells--------------------------0.82------------------------0.62-0.84-------------Fraction
CD3 Cells Absolute-------------2.46----------------H-----0.65-2.09-------------X10 9/L
CD19 Cells------------------------0.14------------------------0.05-0.23-------------Fraction
CD19 Cells Absolute-----------0.42------------------------0.07-0.50-------------X10 9/L
CD3- CD56+ Cells--------------0.06------------------------0.05-0.33-------------Fraction
CD3- CD56+ Cells Absolute--0.18------------------------0.08-0.75-------------X10 9/L


Senior Member
Could someone help me interpret my daughter's results from an Immunophenotyping test.

Test Name(s)--------------Result--------------------Abn--Reference Range--Units
Hematology Panel
Test Comment CD57----Results.Fraction=0.22.
-------------------------------Absolute=0.66 x10
-------------------------------9/L.Reference ranges
-------------------------------are not available at this

Test Name(s)--------------------Result-------------Abn---Reference Range----Units
Immunophenotyping by Flow Cytometry

CD3+ CD4+ Cells---------------0.48------------------------0.27-0.60-------------Fraction
CD4 Cells Absolute-------------1.44----------------H-----0.41-1.33-------------X10 9/L
CD3+ CD8+ Cells---------------0.34----------------H-----0.12-0.32-------------Fraction
CD8 Cells Absolute-------------1.02----------------H-----0.20-0.78-------------X10 9/L
CD3 Cells--------------------------0.82------------------------0.62-0.84-------------Fraction
CD3 Cells Absolute-------------2.46----------------H-----0.65-2.09-------------X10 9/L
CD19 Cells------------------------0.14------------------------0.05-0.23-------------Fraction
CD19 Cells Absolute-----------0.42------------------------0.07-0.50-------------X10 9/L
CD3- CD56+ Cells--------------0.06------------------------0.05-0.33-------------Fraction
CD3- CD56+ Cells Absolute--0.18------------------------0.08-0.75-------------X10 9/L



Moderation Resource Albuquerque

I think you tried to tag me....but it didn't work. :( See above for how to tag.

I have had this test several times but I don't know how to interpret it--I have relied on my doctor to tell me what it indicates. Sorry!



Senior Member

I think you tried to tag me....but it didn't work. :( See above for how to tag.

I have had this test several times but I don't know how to interpret it--I have relied on my doctor to tell me what it indicates. Sorry!

Thanks Sushi.
Am waiting to speak with our doctor. Was hoping someone might have an idea. Is there anyone else on this forum who you think might know anything about this test?


Senior Member
Has your daughter been tested for any active pathogenic infections? While minimally elevated, it would seem to indicate some amount of immune system activation is going on.

CD4+ T cells are T helper cells. When activated by an antigen they begin to communicate with other lymphocytes in an attempt to mount a response.

CD8+ T cells are (among other things) cytotoxic T cells. These are T cells that seek out and destroy infected cells.

CD3 is expressed on a whole host of lymphocytes and I'm not really sure of the significance.


Senior Member
Has your daughter been tested for any active pathogenic infections? While minimally elevated, it would seem to indicate some amount of immune system activation is going on.

CD4+ T cells are T helper cells. When activated by an antigen they begin to communicate with other lymphocytes in an attempt to mount a response.

CD8+ T cells are (among other things) cytotoxic T cells. These are T cells that seek out and destroy infected cells.

CD3 is expressed on a whole host of lymphocytes and I'm not really sure of the significance.

Thanks Halcyon.
She was tested for a few pathogenic infections, but nothing extensive.
One of the things I was hoping to find out is how out-of-range her abnormal readings are relative to other abnormal readings. In other words, given the severity of my daughter's condition, could this shed light on her problem?


Senior Member
I think what you'll find with ME/CFS is that most lab results will have very little correlation with just how sick someone feels. Tests like these are too blunt an instrument to really shed light on exactly what is going on. Instead use it as a clue, something to be pursued further and used to develop a hypothesis about what might be going on. I'm not sure what your daughter's symptoms are, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that she has flu-like symptoms.


Senior Member
I think what you'll find with ME/CFS is that most lab results will have very little correlation with just how sick someone feels. Tests like these are too blunt an instrument to really shed light on exactly what is going on. Instead use it as a clue, something to be pursued further and used to develop a hypothesis about what might be going on. I'm not sure what your daughter's symptoms are, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that she has flu-like symptoms.
Hi Halcyon,
My daughter gets flu-like symptoms with "crashes".
Do you have any idea which tests it would be good to follow up with?


Senior Member
From an immune system angle, I would additionally test quantitative IgG, total and subclass, and maybe prolactin as well.

From a pathogen angle, if you haven't already I'd test for the usual suspects, HHV6, EBV, CMV, Parvo B19, C. pneumoniae, and enterovirus. Note that some of these can be tricky to test for and require that a certain method be used in order to get an accurate result. Hip has an excellent page here that outlines some of this.

Was her onset sudden with an illness or just gradual with no specific triggering illness?