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Anyone feel so much worse after resting in afternoons???


Senior Member
North Carolina
I am usually able to manage being upright until around 3pm in the afternoons sometimes earlier. By then I am really feeling the tiredness and have no choice but to lay down and rest. I never ever fall asleep as it is not a sleepy tired but just a worn out...used up all my energy tired.

So I try to rest only one to two hours at the most but I always and I mean always get up feeling so much worse. I still feel totally drained...no energy and really tired. It is usually a worse feeling than when I laid down in the first place.
I would love to avoid doing this as I know the minute I am down then the rest of the day will be of no use. I struggle to cook dinner every night and am sometimes to tired to even eat after it is cooked. By the time I sit down around 7pm I am a little better and always in bed by nine thirty.

Does this happen to anyone else. I thought resting was suppose to help and get us through the rest of the day. Anyone have any ideas on why I feel SO much worse afterwards....another thing is when I do try and rest my insides are still on full speed and won't calm down almost like the cortisol or adrenaline continues to flow at a high rate...

This will happen even if I have been very sedentary during the day. I can just be sitting and reading or doing very little and I still feel like crap after I have been laying down....


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I'm the opposite of you. I feel like crap from the minute I get up until the middle of the afternoon. Before that I am laying down on the sofa, only getting up for the essentials.

It's a rare morning that I can get anything done.

It's just part of this DD


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
@soxfan, I feel quite the same... I can't help but lie down in the afternoon because I run on "low battery".
Then, no matter how much I rest on the bed, 30 mn, 1 hour or more... when I get up, I feel crappy, exhausted and whole body aches. I have to wait for evening to feel a little bit human.
I won't prepare food for this reason before 9.30, (hopefully Hubby returns home very late). That means for me, eating directly from the fridge... no once of energy to do anything, just the minimum requested.


I wonder if feeling this way is something that would happen because of exhaustion and would happen even if you didn't lie down? Intuitively I would say that you might actually need to rest for longer, that the exhaustion from the earlier part of the day only catches up with you after you have slowed down.

But then I think I have always without exception felt that rest is a good thing for me and its easy to tell that I do better having rested. Usually I get headachy and weak from exeerrtion and have to lie down and then it improves at least a little when I rest, but if you tend to the adrenaline type tiredness I could see the effect being delayed and then seem to be triggered by rest.

I don't know though about your situation and don't want to sound like I'm second guessing you. Just interpreting how it would work in my case. Hope you can find a way around this.


Senior Member
North Carolina
I have a feeling that maybe I am just running on fumes for most of the day and then the minute I stop and rest my body is so over extended that it just can't slow down and relax. I rarely sit during the day because if I do I will become even more fatigued. I almost always eat standing up because sitting at the table is actually uncomfortable in the fact that I can feel my body racing inside.

If I keep moving then I can't feel it. I have tried at times laying down periodically during the day but it really makes it all worse because everytime I get up I feel horrible so it just makes the whole day a wash...

This can happen even if I am very low key during the day. It doesn't seem to matter what I have done...once I lay down and then get up I feel so awful.
It almost feels like my body has lost the ability to actually rest and relax.....like the adrenaline keeps it hyper feeling.


Senior Member
This can also happen if your cortisol or thyroid levels are out of whack. Have you had them tested recently?


Senior Member
North Carolina
Had my thyroid tested a few weeks back...all is fine. I actually called my doctor yesterday about going back on a small dose of cortef and he agreed so I will start up on that and see if it helps...that is my thinking. I have had cortisol problems in the past.

I moved from NH to NC back in late December and the stress was tremendous so my adrenals are probably pretty wiped out at this point.


Another idea, I wonder if lying flat is difficult after being upright. Maybe resting in a recliner would be less jarring for blood flow. The adrenaline thing sounds nasty though. Makes it very hard to rest!


Senior Member
North Carolina
At times I feel like my cortisol is flat but then when I lay down it feels like it is pumping up making it difficult for me to relax...or maybe since my cortisol is gone the adrenaline kicks in making it impossible to rest. I have tried the recliner but when I am so tired I just want a dark and quiet room.
I am picking up my cortef this morning so will start that up today....


Senior Member
At times I feel like my cortisol is flat but then when I lay down it feels like it is pumping up making it difficult for me to relax...or maybe since my cortisol is gone the adrenaline kicks in making it impossible to rest.

I often have what sounds like the same experience. I'm exhausted and I have to lie down, but when I lie down I feel wired. Fortunately, I've found what fixes that for me:

1) L-theanine. It's a simple amino acid that's a great anxiolytic. In higher doses (such as 400 mg), it can slow your mind down and help you get to sleep. By itself, it doesn't make you drowsy, though. It has essentially no side effects, even in large doses, so you can take it whenever you need it.

2) Desipramine. This is a tricyclic antidepressant, so you need a prescription for it, but it's generic and very cheap. It was one of the last tricyclics made, so it has far fewer side effects than the earlier ones (such as amitriptyline). It's a very clean norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Although large doses of norepinephrine can make you a bit wired, I use a very small dose (5 mg) and don't get that effect at all; instead, it's balanced out by the very slight sedating effect of desipramine. The result is a very balanced and relaxed mood, without sedation. For me, desipramine takes effect in about 20 minutes.

If I just have to rest during the day and feel wired, usually I'll just take the desipramine. If I have trouble getting to sleep at night, or getting back to sleep after waking up, I may take both.

Dr. Jay Goldstein has said that we're all low in norepinephrine, so boosting it slightly may be helpful for some people.


Senior Member
North Carolina
I am driving up to NH next month to see my doctor. I went to a cookout and then fireworks last night and today I am so fatigued I can hardly breathe. Its like I am dead inside. I have to keep laying down. I have no idea what is going on.

I took 5mg cortef this am and it did nothing to help this so I am really discouraged now


Scary! It sounds like bad adrenal fatigue. :( I hope you can rest. I've heard l-theanine is good too though I've never tried it.


Senior Member
What is it about this illness that is draining our energy like this. No matter how much I rest it just doesn't get any better.

I still can't understand how we can feel this far removed from what is normal but no one can work out why.


Senior Member
North Carolina
What I can't figure out is why at times my energy gets drained and I feel like I am going to die...I still have no idea what the cause is as sometimes it happens and others not. I really haven't had a bad crash like this in a few years.

I took 5mg cortef at 8 am and then another 2.5 at 11am. Today I don't feel dead inside but incredibly tired. I have spent most of it in bed once again. It doesn't help but I have no choice.

Rest doesn't help me either and I don't understand why my doctor can't help me out with some answers. I can't prevent this if I don't know what the cause is....

Sometimes I can go out at night till about nine and be fine the next day but like on the 4th I got home at nine thirty and now I am in a crash.....

I will keep on the cortef until it is gone and see if it helps....don't think it has so far and I believe I would have felt a difference already.