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Constant Motion Sickness?

Does anyone else suffer from this or have any ideas?

I wonder I am getting constantly motion sick, not dizzy, but the nausea side of symptoms.

It is mainly set off by going on laptop, iPad or phone, I use my wheelchair indoors so when I wheel around on it but this is less so I think, both being pushed in it and being in the car is bad especially the car, I am housebound except the occasional 15 mins or so around the block which makes me feel sick, less so if I wheel myself.

I feel particulary worse at night and it seems to build up sometimes in the today and unleash itself more at night.

I never actually throw up but feel awful.

Any ideas would be welcome, or any questions.

Thank you for reading.


Senior Member
Does anyone else suffer from this or have any ideas?

I wonder I am getting constantly motion sick, not dizzy, but the nausea side of symptoms.

It is mainly set off by going on laptop, iPad or phone, I use my wheelchair indoors so when I wheel around on it but this is less so I think, both being pushed in it and being in the car is bad especially the car, I am housebound except the occasional 15 mins or so around the block which makes me feel sick, less so if I wheel myself.

I feel particulary worse at night and it seems to build up sometimes in the today and unleash itself more at night.

I never actually throw up but feel awful.

Any ideas would be welcome, or any questions.

Thank you for reading.
Could be visual, so it's a good idea to have your eyes checked even if you think they're okay. Could also be an inner-ear problem, maybe developing from congestion because of infection or allergies, so you might also want to have a doctor check that.

The kind of problem you describe could easily be unrelated to ME/CFS and completely treatable by a GP, so it's worth having it checked out by your GP before you do much else.

Of course, if it turns out not be be something relatively simple and IS related to ME/CFS, then treating it could be much harder. :(


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Does anyone else suffer from this or have any ideas?

I wonder I am getting constantly motion sick, not dizzy, but the nausea side of symptoms.

It is mainly set off by going on laptop, iPad or phone, I use my wheelchair indoors so when I wheel around on it but this is less so I think, both being pushed in it and being in the car is bad especially the car, I am housebound except the occasional 15 mins or so around the block which makes me feel sick, less so if I wheel myself.

I feel particulary worse at night and it seems to build up sometimes in the today and unleash itself more at night.

I never actually throw up but feel awful.

Any ideas would be welcome, or any questions.

Thank you for reading.

Have you asked an ENT to check you for vestibular problems?



Senior Member
I had this in my first few years of cfs. I was told to take Bonine (otc seasickness med).

Fwiw tho most of my symptoms cleared up after eliminating my food intolerances. Esp gluten. I apparently had gluten ataxia.

Hope you find a solution. Tc .. x
Thank you for all the replies. I plan on seeing someone in regards to ENT and eyes also, but I am pretty much housebound so I hope they will come to me some how.