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Dr Klinghardts "Parasite Manual"


Hi folks

Dr Dietrict Klighardt has a "Parasite Manual" available for a couple hundred dollars I think his reception stated in the email reply...

My current supervising doctor feels uncomfortable with all the drugs Dr Klighardt has indicated on his protocol and needs some sort of formal recognition of the protocol as 'something printed up from some forum is a little inadequate' dispite the lower doses I will be using as per recommendations made by a few PR' members

I am wondering if anyone has a digital copy they wouldn't mind sharing??

Thanks in advance


Senior Member
Sorry I can't help you with this. And I don't think that this is the culprit for ME but rather mitochondrial failure, which is to be addressed. See Dr. myhill

Edit, sorry I'm wrong, because parasites do use up our atp, so they very much so play an important role in cfs.

You might want to look at hulda clark anti parasite Program with cloves wormwood etc.
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@amaru7 Thanks

CFS Discovery from Victoria who works with KDM(despite there treatment protocol failing abysmally)believe PARASITIC infections produce H2S(Positive/myself)

So there may be advantages in doing this protocol??

Dr Klighardt has suggested parasitic infections(particularly Lung Worm)do play a large role in CFS??

Dr Klighardt has also mentioned at his conferences that 'Hulda Clark formulations are weak and disappointing' however many years ago I found the 'Triplex' formula mildly helpful

Once again if anyone has a copy of Doc Klighardts 'Parasitic Manual' 'please raise your hand' :)
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Donate Advocate Demonstrate
I believe @sianrecovery may have seen him? perhaps I have got the wrong parasite doctor and she may well not have the manual, but I seem to have dredged something out of my memory re this.


Senior Member
Manchester UK
Sorry folks, never been able to afford Klinghart, and if I could, I would probably see someone different. I have failed to eliminate blastocytosis so far. Maybe have a look at Scott Forsgreen's betterhealthguy site?