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How can I get flu-like symptoms again?


Senior Member

I am about to complete 3 months under a protocol mostly inspired on the "enterovirus theory" of ME/CFS, as described in my signature. I had an improvement from 2/10 to 4/10 or even 5/10 in some days but, not having paced enough, thinks have become to worsen in the last days, with severe brain fog and dizzyness.

(What scares me the most is that I had a progressive-gradual onset from 2011 to 2014 and don't like the idea that after this short improvement-period the worsening process has started again :vomit:)

I am the sub-type that never get colds or flu-like symptoms. However, within these three months, the best moment I had (from the point of view of ME symptoms) was during a week I experienced severe flu-like symptoms. I suspect my Th1 was functioning again then... ME symptoms came back while flu like symptoms were fading away...by the end of that week.

I got these flu like symptoms a few days after a bad experience with an AB and right after supplementing my regular dosage of Equilibrant (2 - 1.5) with Astragalus. Considering this "successful" experience :rolleyes: a few days after I tried to trigger another flu with even greater doses of Equilibrant and Astragalus, but without success.

So, does anyone have another lecture of what I experienced that week and how can I trigger that wonderful flu again?

