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Immunovir- nausea and headache?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I was told by someone who sees Dr. Rey that the inosine dosing is the same as Immunovir. Here is the schedule he gave me per Dr. Rey.

Starter weeks:

Day 1-3 take 1/2 tablet once a day with food

Day 4-6 take 1 tablet once a day with food

Day 7-9 take 1 tablet twice a day with food

If at any point you feel like you are not tolerating, either stay at that level or drop down a level. When you're ready, move on to the next dosing level.

When you're ready, move on to this as your regular schedule

Week one: take one capsule three times a day Monday thru Friday, then take the weekend off.

Week two: Take 2 capsules three times a day Monday thru Friday, then take the weekend off.

Now begin alternating weeks.


@minkeygirl, I was in the same protocol, I just saw her last month and they revised it as I told you. No more than 3 pills a day to avoid autoimmunity.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@Inester7 I didn't know you saw her. I was given this protocol a few months back. I'm going to up to 2 a day I think. Not having any issues.

Can you post the protocol here for @Gingergrrl43 and for me again? Brain PEM day for me.


Senior Member
@Inester7 I didn't know you saw her. I was given this protocol a few months back. I'm going to up to 2 a day I think. Not having any issues.

Can you post the protocol here for @Gingergrrl43 and for me again? Brain PEM day for me.

Thanks although in my case I am only pursuing Inosine and not Immunovir. Is there a certain brand or dose one would take just for Inosine?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Inosine is the same as Immunovir so you use the same protocol. I read about the brand people used but it's not coming to me. I'll look for it but I just found it googling and read it in a blog. I decided to go with the real stuff because the cost ended up being about the same and some people here have said it doesn't work as well as Immunovir, so you definitely want to get a better quality to get the best possible results.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@Inester7 and @Gingergrrl43 I found your protocol from Dr. Rey.

So apparently I am not suppose to pulse the imunovir anymore. Except for the every 6 months break.

She told me to use 3 pills a day all week (do not skip weekends anymore) and that is all. Stop every 6 months for one month.

Also told me They start by LDN now in protocol instead of imunovir, Also to raise it to 4.5mg because I am way too symptomatic.