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New - Important Blog Post by Dr Michael Snyderman


Senior Member
United Kingdom

New post by Dr Michael Snyderman on Dr Jamie Deckoff Jones blog.

Called....We Must Move Foward


This from Dr Snydermans new post!

The quest for identifying and treating retroviruses that are involved in the pathogenesis or CFS/ME, neuroimmune, autoimmune and neoplastic disorders will not end today despite the negative results of the XMRV, pMLV study. I have CFS/ME and cancer. My data supports the presence and importance of retroviruses in the pathogenesis of both disorders and the potential for anti-retroviral drugs to help us.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
New Post from Dr Snyderman in the comments:

Since potentially many millions of people are infected and ill,
there is a huge market for new drugs and I am hoping the pharma
people will see that and fund studies. I don’t know for sure what
retrovirus(es) I have. Dr.Mikovits identified a Gag sequence that
was not XMRV and a researcher in the University of Alberta cloned a
Pol sequence that was that of a beta retrovirus. Dr.Mikovits had
EMs of CFS lymphocytes showing either gamma or beta or both
retroviruses and I may have both. I believe her EMs were prior to
any contamination.


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I mentioned this on the other thread and not saying i agree or disagree but antiretrovirals do have activity against herpes viruses. Could be a possible reason why the drugs have helped him?? Sort of go's with the theory of ebv etc in b cells and ritux studies where they think it might treat the ebv resevoir in b cells??

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Please note that I do not claim that the retroviruses cause the illnesses but emphasize that the retroviruses participate in the pathogenesis. The likelihood is that genetic susceptibility and toxic exposure determines whether an infected person would develop disease and how it would be manifested.
The illnesses here are cancers.

I think that the reason we are such a heterogeneous group is that we have factors that participate in the pathogenesis of our illness. What these factors are and how many of them there are depends on our particular genetics and environment and how long we have been ill.

The challenge will be separating the initiating factor(s) from the participating factors. Getting more people diagnosed early in their illness will help because the will have fewer participating factors.


Senior Member
Even if Dr Mikovits cannot replicate her MLV findings we need to establish why Dr Snyderman's disease shows the dynamics in response to antiretrovirals that it does. I hope future research will not be afraid of further investigations in this area.
Even if Dr Mikovits cannot replicate her MLV findings we need to establish why Dr Snyderman's disease shows the dynamics in response to antiretrovirals that it does. I hope future research will not be afraid of further investigations in this area.
No sensible researcher is going to go anywhere near Snyderman's writings. Cancer is an accepted (by all published criteria) exclusional condition from an M.E/CFS diagnosis, there is absolutely no way to know whether Snyderman's pre existing M.E/CFS is still an active disabling factor, or whether his cancer and its treatment are producing M.E/CFS type symptoms. I can see why he wants to put both his skills as scentist and the circumstances of his illness to good use, but he's working on an unfalsifiable hypothesis - scientfically that's very 'unrewarding.



Senior Member
I agree with you IVI in that Dr Snyderman is thinking about cancer patients primarily.
I wonder whether antiretrovirals have some hitherto unrecognised action in modifying the immune response.

If Dr Mikovits cannot replicate her findings of MLVs in ME then we have to accept they are not there.

Snow Leopard

South Australia
No sensible researcher is going to go anywhere near Snyderman's writings. Cancer is an accepted (by all published criteria) exclusional condition from an M.E/CFS diagnosis, there is absolutely no way to know whether Snyderman's pre existing M.E/CFS is still an active disabling factor, or whether his cancer and its treatment are producing M.E/CFS type symptoms.

Cancer related fatigue is unexplained/not understood scientifically. Who is to say whether there aren't common pathways? Who is to say the drug won't have similar immuno-modulating effects in both cancer related fatigue and other forms of CFS? These are testable hypotheses.