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Nutreval Interpretation Guide

New Jersey
Lynne, MetaMetrix labs says, "High urinary excretion of 3-methylhistidine indicates active catabolism of muscle and is a marker for skeletal muscle breakdown"
near LA, California
This is awesome. I spent hours trying to make sense of a NutrEval I had back in late 2010. I just sent off the blood and urine for a new one yesterday.

These results from a OAT may now make sense:

Energy Production (Citric Acid Cycle)
Citrate – High (90th percentile)
Cis-Aconitate – 70th percentile
Isocitrate – High (80th percentile)
a-ketoglutarate – 70th percentile
Succinate – 60th percentile
Fumarate – High (80th percentile)
Malate – High (90th percentile)
Hydroxymethylglutarate – 70th percentile

Well, I just read the explanation in the document and it looks like everything was fine since they tend to all be on the high side.
Hi D
No B1 doesnt seem to cause me weight loss, just B12 (so take tiny bit,helps w thinking).
I have learned to make myself drink water and eat unless feels really icky. drinking water first helps.
Started feeling worse again,like sand in wrist and irritated bladder, since recall eating more foods w oxalates week before
looked up that and found eating a lot of very high oxalates.(spincah,beets,almonds...)
ALso that some people espec children start gaining weight when they go lo oxalate but some have to start slowly or lots of dumping of stored oxalates, and in some B6, Ca citrate, biotin.. helps (some react to). sounds like name of the game is eat variety and balance. Would be nice to get more muscles back. (saw something about carboxylase to do w oxalates )


Senior Member
Lynn, B1 should not cause weight loss at all -- it's a deficiency of b1 that may cause weight/muscle loss. Hope that helps.


Senior Member
These results from a OAT may now make sense:

Energy Production (Citric Acid Cycle)
Citrate – High (90th percentile)
Cis-Aconitate – 70th percentile
Isocitrate – High (80th percentile)
a-ketoglutarate – 70th percentile
Succinate – 60th percentile
Fumarate – High (80th percentile)
Malate – High (90th percentile)
Hydroxymethylglutarate – 70th percentile

Well, I just read the explanation in the document and it looks like everything was fine since they tend to all be on the high side.

There are some drop-offs as you move along in cycle, indicating some energy problems. Between each drop-off look on the Citric Acid Cycle/Kreb's Cycle chart (on the Nutreval) and you'll see red and green circles. The red things inhibit energy and the green things support it. So you could either have a red thing (typically a heavy metal) or a lack of a green thing (typically vitamins) causing the block there.

You can narrow it down by seeing if these issues come up again in other areas of the test.


Senior Member
Western Nebraska
Rich has written: "In ME/CFS, when glutathione depletion is present, there is a partial block of aconitase in the Krebs cycle of the mitochondria in the cells."

If this partial block of aconitase was present, would that mean a person would have high or low levels of acotinase? My citric level is slightly below median, my aconitase levels are sky high, and my 2-oxoglutaric is at the upper end of 1 sd high. I'm trying to figure out why my aconitase is so high and if I have a partial block of the cycle there.


Seattle, WA
@caledonia, thank you so much for this info!

I spent a while researching my results and I think what they basically show are that I am in ketosis from a high-meat diet, I have glutathione depletion, leaky gut, B-vitamin deficiency, a partial methylation block/detox problem...

I think this means I need to cut back on meat, coconut, start eating fish again, eat more veg, and supplement with ALA, carnitine and B vitamins... I think... My doctor said my body was acting like it's in starvation mode. I'm at a loss. I'm trying so hard to improve through diet and, after years of this, I am more wiped out, more bedbound and have worse brain fog than I've ever had since becoming sick.

I'm going to try a methylation protocol as soon as I can wrap my head around Rich and Freddd's info.

If anyone has any insight ,I would love it!

My major abnormalities are:
  • BHBA very high
  • Adipic Acid and Suberic Acid very high
  • Alpha-Ketoisokeproic Acid, Alpha-Keto-beta-Methylvaleric Acic and Glutaric Acid high
  • Beta-Aminoisobutyric Acid very high
  • Ammonia high, but Urea low
  • Ornithine very high
  • 1-Methylhistidine very high
  • Saturated Fatty Acids overall high
    • Palmitic and Stearic high
    • Behenic, Lignoceric and Pentadecanoic low
  • Omega 6s overall low
    • AA and DTA low
    • Eicosadienoic very high
  • Omega 3 Index (6s/3s and AA/EPA) low


Senior Member
I'm reading your guide to methylation and it suggests taking the Nutreval tests - but there are two types of Nutreval tests (Nutreval FMV and Nutreval Plasma) which are urine/blood and urine/plasma collections respectively. Which one is recommended, or does it not matter?


Senior Member
I'm reading your guide to methylation and it suggests taking the Nutreval tests - but there are two types of Nutreval tests (Nutreval FMV and Nutreval Plasma) which are urine/blood and urine/plasma collections respectively. Which one is recommended, or does it not matter?

I don't think it matters. Rich interpreted both versions of the test the same.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Is this interpretation guide unique to people with ME or does it apply to anyone using the test? I am planning to get the test through my doctor. Can I depend on her to interpret it correctly or do I need to use this guide?