Posted by Cort Johnson NIH neglect is on the verge of producing a downturn in ME/CFS research that may take years to recover from. Some background information is necessary. The Effective Grant Program (and the Ineffective One) The NIH produces two types of grants; Program Announcements (PA’s) and Requests for Applications (RFAs). Program Announcements ‘announce’ what kind of research the
ContinueTag: program announcement

The Biggest Research Funder in the World on ME/CFS: The NIH on ME/CFS in 2012 Pt. I:
Posted by Cort Johnson The NIH on ME/CFS Part I We just did an overview of what a governmental British medical agency is funding on ME/CFS. Now we turn to the biggest medical research funder in the world – the NIH. While NIH’s contribution to CFS research is paltry ($6 million/year) given their resources ($30 billion plus/yearly), their penchant for funding