No Money For ME/CFS? Think Again

Posted by Cort Johnson Oct 13 Testimony to the CFSAC Whenever the CFS community asks for funding we always hear are that ‘money is tight’ – too tight to help out with CFS – as if doing so would somehow break the budget. The truth is there’s always money for the NIH to do what it wants to do. Every


The Times They Are a Changing – CAA Nominates Distinguished Researchers To CFSAC…

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums ‘Names’ Step Out – A key, key need for 25 years has been to get distinguished researchers, ‘names’, interested in ME/CFS. We’ve always had good, committed researchers but rarely have we had people who could be counted as ‘opinion-makers’ or leaders. That is changing – quickly. The WPI’s XMRV finding


Dr. Nancy Klimas on Her New Clinic and More

Posted by Cort Johnson Dr. Klimas has been one of the central figures in CFS. A prominent AIDS researcher in the mid-1980’s she became acquainted with CFS when patients with another strange kind of immune dysfunction showed up on her door. In Osler’s Web she recounts that she, like everyone else, ‘tried not to believe in it” (eg CFS) but


Born to Run: NJCFSA Rocks New Jersey

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums Most states don’t have a statewide CFS organization let alone one that puts on conferences, writes comprehensive CFS manuals, provides high school and college scholarships, advises school on pediatric issues and more. In short, the ME/CFS patients in New Jersey have somehow managed to create a viable, proactive organization that


The ‘Optimize Dr. Bateman’s Research’ Fundraiser

Posted by Cort Johnson The first ‘Official’ Phoenix Fundraiser will provide essential information infrastructure elements to Dr. Bateman that will assist her in her studies on XMRV with Dr. Light/Singh, on XMRV with Glaxo-Smith Kline, on muscle and other receptors with Dr. Light, on Ampligen with Hemispherx and other studies. etc. – from CBS, Cort Why Should We Help? Reason
