Ampligen – Like One Too Many Coors Lights

Discuss this article on the forums Written by Kelvin Lord Treatment #4 Today’s Ampligen infusion marked the fourth and last treatment at the 200ml “adjustment” or acclimation dosage. I’m now into a quaisi-routine, arriving at the clinic around 9:30AM every Monday and Thursday morning, and the procedure goes amazingly fast. In less than 3 minutes Gwen has me hooked up


Transcription of Judy Mikovits Prohealth Lecture: Parts VI and VII: Q & A

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums Written by thefreeprisoner Transcriptions by Advocate, JAS, Lily, thefreeprisoner, Kim & garcia of the Phoenix Rising Forums Question: Before any of the questions I just wanted to say thank you because through your work and your collaboration, you’ve bought more excitement to the CFS community and your collaborators have than


A Look Back at Dr. Reeves CDC

Posted by Cort Johnson A look back at the Pro’s and Con’s of Dr. Reeves Tenure at the CDC THE PRO’s  – despite the antagonism towards Dr. Reeves there were some pro’s to his program A commitment to research – whatever you want to say about Dr. Reeves he  was a vigorous ME/CFS researcher.  We can’t know what the internal


Dr. Reeves Out at the CDC

Posted by Cort Johnson In a startling announcement on 3pm on Friday the CFIDS Association of America reported that the man who’d vowed to outlast everyone, Dr. Willam Reeves of the CDC, was out and that Dr. Elizabeth Unger was temporarily taking over controls of the CDC’s CFS Research program. Certainly, no one expected this. At the end of the


Breathing Deep with Valtrex: A Patient Improves

Posted by Cort Johnson The Recovery/Recovering Stories #4 Janet’s  Story What really attracted me to Janet’s story was how multi-dimensional it was.  She’s had both severe endocrine dysfunction and severe pathogen problems. Both high doses of antivirals and alternative ‘behavioral-like’ therapies like meditation and her own quest for (spiritual) wholeness have been important for her. She’s still quite ill but
