XMRV: the Urgency of Money

Posted by Cort Johnson In a recent article on RJC.com Dr. Mikovits came out swinging.  Fights between researchers can get nasty but its probably rare that they veer into this kind of territory. After suggesting that the Imperial College group purposefully tried not to find the virus  (!) Dr. Mikovits referred to the fact that the paper was paid for,


A Visit to Dr. Peterson: Part I

Discuss this article on the forums Let me begin by listing my reasons for writing this. To share my experiences with everyone who’s interested but may never intend to see Dr. Peterson.To give some insight to anyone who might be considering making an appointment but may have concerns regarding what it may entailTo help someone prepare for a scheduled appointment


2009 : Looking Back

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums EVENTS Biggest Event – what else? XMRV takes the spotlight as no research finding has before, retrovirologists across the world clamor for samples, worry mounts about a tainted blood supply, Hilary Johnson blows into the New York Times Op Ed section, and patients gasp and cross their fingers in hopes


Lost in the Woods

Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) takes people to many different places but its pushed few people as far from a normal life as it has Lisa.  Lisa has a twofer;  a severe case of both chronic fatigue syndrome and environmental illness.  If chronic fatigue syndrome is often numbingly difficult environmental illness (EI) or multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is simply harsh.  EI


My Cooperative Diagnostics Test

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums I received my test result back from Cooperative Diagnostics. I was, like everyone else who has taken the poll thus far, tested negative. I was able to get the test done because I was part of an XMRV study CD is doing. Given the results of the Imperial College tests


2009 In Review

Posted by Cort Johnson EVENTS Biggest Event – what else? XMRV takes the spotlight as no research finding has before, retrovirologists across the world clamor for samples, worry mounts about a tainted blood supply, Hilary Johnson blows into the New York Times Op Ed section, and patients gasp and cross their fingers in hopes that it will all work out. See XMRV


A Dark Vision

Posted by Cort Johnson Hilary Johnson, beloved CDC headhunter is raking  the CFIDS Association over the coals again.  Once again she’s taking no prisoners. In her last blog on the CAA she called the organization the Bechtel of the CFS community and accused them of inciting a ‘pogrom’. In this blog she proclaims CAA is the CDC and vice versa .


Phoenix Rising Researcher of the Year Pt. 1

Posted by Cort Johnson The Researcher of the Year analysis doesn’t just take research into account; it also includes their outreach into the patient community and their impact on how the research field is functioning. This year the Researcher of the Year was an easy choice. Dr. Vernon excelled in all three categories in 2008. (As she did in 2009.


Researcher of the Year (08) Part II: A Bold Commitment Plus XMRV and the CAA

Posted by Cort Johnson A Bold Effort Collaboration – Dr. Vernon believes increased collaboration will be essential for our research community’s success. She knows the power collaboration can unleash. The Pharmacogenomics projects she lead at the CDC – which ended up thrusting ME/CFS into the research spotlight and helped triggered the National Press Conference – was the result of a
