Action for M.E. – Placing Patient Views at the Heart of a New Research Strategy

Action for M.E. – the UK’s largest CFS/ME charity – launched a new research strategy in November based on the priorities identified by patients. We asked the Charity’s Chief Executive, Sonya Chowdhury, about the new strategy and also about the commitment to greater patient involvement. By Russell Fleming and Simon McGrath. Charities have always connected with patients – many were


Lyme on my mind

Astrid13 recalls the alarming mental confusion associated with her life of chronic illness and explains how her own search for answers may finally be yielding results – though she still has a long road to travel… In 2006, following a miscarriage, I began to suffer the most horrible cognitive decline. A D&C had been performed under general anesthesia and after


Am I “Allergic to Life”?

Janis Bell (JanisB) reviews her personal journey of chronic illness after being inspired by a new article written by Jill Neimark and appearing online today in Discover magazine. It highlights the work of Dr Claudia Miller (pictured) and her theories relating to extreme chemical sensitivity and toxicants, a condition she terms, Toxicant-induced Loss of Tolerance or TILT. By the time


A Hidden Life

TheChronicSituation writes about how choosing to live hidden behind even a partial mask can seem easier, especially when it saves on bothersome explanations. But, at the end of the day, pretense can come at a cost – nobody really knowing who you are… The majority of people I know, don’t know that I have CFS/ME. In a way, I feel
