A Man From Whom Viruses Can’t Hide – Chang Lee/The New York Times on Dr. Ian Lipkin…

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums (The New York Times article on Dr. Ian Lipkin – the man chosen by the NIH to lead their hunt for XMRV in CFS – portrays a man at the top of his field.) https://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/23/science/23prof.html?emc=tnt&tntemail0=y Dr. W. Ian Lipkin was spending the afternoon prowling his empire of viruses. The Center


One Agent For Change: I Cannot Imagine Our Community Without… by Marly Silverman

Discuss this article on the forums Written by Cort (Marly Silverman is the co-founder of PANDORA, a Florida organization devoted to improving the lives of people with ME/CFS and other NEID’s (neuroendocrineimmune disorders). Marly granted permission to post her blog here.)) I haven’t been blogging lately. Because of the time, stamina and physical efforts allocated for personal medical issues, it
