I Swear, It’s Nothing Personal!

Discuss this article on the forums Written by Kelvin Lord “My mild-mannered, sweet, school-teacher wife just lit into me with some language that would make a sailor blush!” R.S. said, shaking his head in dismay. He was referring to his wife Leona, a fellow patient here at the clinic getting Ampligen, and he was beside himself, still stinging from the


The CFSAC on Itself, XMRV, the CDC and More

Posted by Cort Johnson The main subject – the CFSAC Charter was not the most enthralling subject – but it is a critical topic if the Committee is going to make a difference and Dr. Wanda Jones should be congratulated for thinking strategically and devoting time to trying to get the Committee on more solid ground. Dr. Koh Arrives –


Dr. Mikovits at the IACFS/ME

Posted by Cort Johnson The IACFS/ME did a very interesting thing by inviting Dr. Mikovits to answer questions from their members. Dr. Mikovits must have known she was going to get some tough questions and she did. The Tricky Immune System – The first question illuminated what a complex process tinkering with the immune system is. Andrew Bokelman essentially asked


How to Answer “What’s Wrong With You?”

Discuss this article on the forums Written by Kelvin Lord We’ve all heard the question in one form or another. It usually comes at a time when you look better than usual, or feel worse than usual. But either way, it makes you feel the same as usual. “What exactly is wrong with you?” they ask, innocently…not knowing that their


The ‘April Surprise’

Posted by Cort Johnson Dr. Peterson Leaves the Building (er Construction Site) – Our putative ‘April surprise’ turned out to be a real shocker. Six months prior to the WPI opening in its new facility the WPI announced that he was leaving the Medical Director’s position at the WPI and returning to practice at his clinic. Both parties have remained


An MD on the Lightning Process

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums Dr. Frivold is the husband of Berit Frivold, who’s recovery from ME/CFS using the Lightning Process, was posted a month or so ago. Dr. Frivold, is naturally very happy that his wife has recovered and, after reading the discussion on Berit’s recovery, sent me these observations. I recognize this is


ANGER and Mind Training

Discuss this article on the forums Written by Victoria What are we here for? Perhaps we are simply here for the opportunity to become so happy that we no longer care what we are here for! (wrote my Astrologer today…..). How many people are genuinely happy? I don’t mean happy because they have material possessions or the perfect wife/husband/partner. I’m


Dr. Mikovits Chat’s on XMRV

Posted by Cort Johnson Dr. Mikovits has been in touch with patients more than any other researcher by several magnitudes and a couple of days ago I got to chat with her on a variety of topics. Some questions had been raised about the WPI’s two collaborators in the Science paper, the National Cancer Institute and the Cleveland Clinic. We


Phoenix Rising YouTube Video Thread

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums Written by teejkay The Phoenix Rising ME/CFS YouTube video is up. Thank you very much to everyone who sent in your wonderful pictures and a big thank you to Cinderkeys for letting us use your awesome song, Everybody Knows About Me. Thank you Dreambirdie for your tips and support. teej


Five Facts About ME/CFS: Socking It To ME/CFS

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums Written by creekfeet by Creekfeet If I could tell the world just five facts about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/cfs) I might choose these. ME/CFS… • causes more functional impairment than diabetes, heart failure or kidney disease. • creates a level of disability comparable to MS, chemotherapy or the final stages of
