We can’t thank you enough for the support you’ve given Phoenix Rising. In one day we’ve rocketed up to 136th from 179th – a rise we suspect is rather unprecedented :) :). We’re tremendously honored by your support.
The big concern now is keeping the Neuro Immune Disease Alliance (NIDA) in the $20,000 category. NIDA needs to be in the top 96 to win $20,000 and right now with they’re at 87th and things could go either way in what is easily the busiest day of the contest.
NIDA is the brainchild of two parents, Linda and Don Tannenbaum, whose daughter fell suddenly ill with ME/CFS when she was sixteen. Formed in 2011 NIDA first supported Dr. Peterson’s Simmaron Foundation and is now leading the charge for the Open Medicine Foundation’s OMI-MERIT Initiative.

OMI-MERIT refers to a strategic platform of projects created by a global consortium of renowned researchers and clinicians that is designed to push ME/CFS research to the next level. (It includes a Rituxan/Rituximab clinical trial).
That’s the kind of work NIDA and Linda and Don Tanenbaum are up to…
Anyone anywhere in the world who has a Facebook page or a Chase Account can vote! The contest ends at midnight Eastern Time (US), 11pm MT (US), 10pm CT (US) 9 pm Pacific Time (US), 5 am (United Kingdom)…If you have voted – thanks! – and please pass the word around to your friends on email, Facebook and Twitter.
If you have two votes to give please vote for Phoenix Rising and NIDA. If you have one vote to give please vote for NIDA.
- Neuro Immune Disease Alliance – Please go to NIDA’s page and click “Vote”. Again, if it asks you to “Allow” or “Allow App”, click Yes. Then click the Like and Send buttons to spread the word about NIDA
- Phoenix Rising – If you haven’t voted yet simply go to Phoenix Rising’s page. Click “Vote”. If it asks you to “Allow” or “Allow App”, click Yes. Then click the Like and Send buttons to spread the word about Phoenix Rising.
Chase your friends – Chase your family – Chase your dreams!
Vote Now!