Hospital Wants Input From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Patients on Possible NEID Center

Posted by Cort Johnson A Health Service provider may want you (gasp)!   Yes,  it’s true. After all the cold shoulders and denials of coverage, etc. a health services system in the Southeastern United States (to remain unnamed) wants to determine whether it makes sense for them to open an neuroendocrineimmune center focusing on ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, lyme disease, etc.  To


Senators Stand Up for ME/CFS – Support Push For FDA Stakeholder Meeting

Posted by Cort Johnson Thanks to Senator Robert Casey (PA) and his colleagues Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT) and Senator Kay Hagan (NC) At the end of June, Senators Casey, Blumenthal and Hagan sent a letter to Secretary of Health Kathleen Sebelius requesting  the FDA hold a stakeholders meeting on chronic  fatigue syndrome. All three Senators serve on the Committee on Health, Education, Labor


Success! FDA Commits to Stakeholder Meeting…

Posted by Cort Johnson YOUR VOICES MADE THE DIFFERENCE  We are very happy to announce that during a conference call, Dr. Janet Woodcock, Director of Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at the FDA, made a commitment to the ME/CFS community to hold a Stakeholder Meeting.  We’ll let you know more as the meeting and agenda for the meeting develops. In


The 20 Years Ago Today Series V: Still the ‘Yuppie Flu’

Posted by Cort Johnson An Institute for all Americans…. Or Just Some? The Department of Health and Human Services 2013 Budget proposal doesn’t mince words about whose health the Department, which oversees the NIH and CDC, is charged with protecting…. This Budget request represents the Administration’s priorities for guiding the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to enhance the


Take the ME/CFS Social Security Disability/SSI Survey

Posted by Cort Johnson Getting Social Security Disability/Supplemental Income (SSD/SSI) can be a lifeline for financially beleaguered people with CFS (ME/CFS) but the application process is often lengthy and difficult.  Anecdotal reports from physicians and patients suggest getting disability may be more difficult for CFS patients yet documentation of success rates is lacking and little hard data exists on what
