Looking Forward: Dr. Peterson on ME/CFS Research, Treatment Options and Hope for the Future

Posted by Cort Johnson (Looking Forward: Dr. Peterson on ME/CFS was derived from notes I took after a talk with Dr. Peterson; the views enclosed hopefully reflect the essence of the talk but any mistakes, of course, are mine. Materials were added from the IACFS/ME Ottawa conference to supplement the article). Thanks to Corinne for arranging a meeting with Dr. Peterson.  Dr.


Straight Talk From Dr. Montoya: the Stanford Hospital CFS Lecture (March 2011)

Posted by Cort Johnson Dr. Montoya at Stanford Hospital on CFS March, 2011This definitely wasn’t an ‘get acquainted with CFS’ talk. There was no boring scholarly introduction to CFS (“Chronic fatigue syndrome effects blah, blah, blah….has x number of symptoms….blah, blah…..)…Dr. Montoya was clearly trying to wake people up. Calling ME/CFS one of the most ‘mis-perceived’ illnesses in medicine, Montoya
