Treatment Protocols

In a perfect world one would simply find a chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) specialist and visit him or her. In our imperfect world such specialists are rare and often charge fees that are too high for many financially challenged people with ME/CFS.

This does not, of course, mean there is no hope. There are basic steps that many of us can take to improve our health. Treatments are available for even more financially challenged patients.  Many of the treatments that the most forward thinking doctors espouse do not require a prescription.

This section, by providing links to a variety of treatments used in the chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) community, aims to open up the field a bit for those not acquainted with them. It has been created by a layman and obviously does not take the place of the services of a physician.  It includes physicians who have treatment protocols or informative websites on the internet.

Dr. John Chia is an infectious diseases specialist who became focused on researching and treating enterovirus-associated ME/CFS after his son Andrew developed the disease. His ME/CFS treatments include oxymatrine, Epivir, tenofovir and interferon.

Dr. Lucinda Bateman is a general internist who developed a specialist interest in ME/CFS when her sister developed the disease. Her approach is described here.

Dr. Paul Cheney (MD, Ph.D)  is one of the most well known and experienced ME/CFS physicians and is known for his innovative (and sometimes controversial) approach to the disease. Learn about Dr. Cheney’s approach here. UPDATE: Dr. Cheney is now semi-retired.

Dr. Derek Enlander is an Irish transplant who practices in New York City. Dr. Enlander utilizes a wide array of alternative and pharmaceutical approaches. His new office features include a hyperbaric chamber and impedance cardiography testing. He is the author of a book on ME/CFS.

Dr. Holtorf’s (MD) Fibro Fatigue Centers, which use a holistic protocol developed by him specifically to treat CFS and FMS, have been opening up across the US. Some patients have had good results and others have not. Dr. Teitelbaum has recently joined them. Check out Dr. Holtorf’s site for an explanation of his protocol and several interviews with ProHealth.

Dr. Sarah Myhill has an extensive website, with a free book and a diagnosis section including tests she recommends for ME/CFS patients. Dr. Myhill has been particularly focused on mitochondrial issues and has participated in mitochondrial studies in ME/CFS.

Dr. Charles Lapp  is a well known North Carolina ME/CFS physician who has contributed many articles to Prohealth. Dr. Lapp is currently investigating several pharmaceutical treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. He created the ‘Stepwise Approach’ and integrates Bruce Campbell’s pacing and activity management strategies into his protocols. Dr Lapp runs the Hunter-Hopkins Treatment Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. UPDATE: Dr Lapp retired in January 2018, and Dr Vincent Hillman has taken over the running of this clinic.

Dr. Martin Lerner  is an infectious disease specialist who has focused on herpesvirus infection primarily in the heart. The author of several research papers and a former chronic fatigue syndrome patient, Dr. Lerner runs the Treatment Center for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the Midwest of the US. He published a Valtrex treatment study and a Valcyte/Valtrex treatment study. UPDATE: Dr Lerner passed away in 2015.

Martin Pall Ph.D is a published medical researcher and a former chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) patient who believes oxidative stress caused primarily by a dysregulated nitric oxide/peroxynitrite (NO/ONOO “No Oh No!) system plays a major role in CFS, FMS, MCS and PTSD.

Dr. Pall’s theory focuses on reasons for increased oxidative stress in CFS. He has proposed treatments that may combat oxidative stress in ME/CFS, some of which he developed in conjunction with a Dr. Ziem.

Dr. Pall’s book on ME/CFS, FM, IBS, etc. is called Explaining Unexplained Illnesses.

Dr. Raymond Perrin is the originator of the “Perrin Technique“. He is a UK osteopath who utilizes osteopathic manipulations and lymphatic massage in order to stimulate nervous system functioning and drain toxins from the brain. He has written a book on ME/CFS.

Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker (MD) has focused on the role that biotoxins/neurotoxins play in chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease and other poorly understood illnesses. The author of ‘Mold Warriors”, “Desperation Medicine” and other books,  Dr Shoemaker has developed several unique insights into these conditions.

His website features substantial amounts of information, webcasts, his testing protocols, and his books.

If you have chlamydiae pnuemoniae (or suspect you do) or if you’re just completely frustrated at your lack of progress you might want to check out Dr. Stratton’s approach on the Cpn website.

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (MD) has been a prominent figure in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) treatment for many years. He is the author of several books on CFS/FM and the producer of a successful treatment study using an multi-dimensional approach. One of the most comprehensive ME/CFS treatment sites, Dr. Teitelbaum’s site now contains an online program that will, based on the answers given to a detailed questionnaire, provide a treatment program for people with CFS. Potentially it presents an cost-effective means of accessing a prominent CFS physician.

Ashok Gupta is a former chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) patient who uses neurolinguistic programming and mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques to treat CFS. His program, which is called the Amygdala Retraining Program, consists of a course on DVDs (costing approximately $200) which comes with a money-back guarantee. The Amygdala Retraining program is now the focus of a study in Canada.

Check out a patient’s Amygdala Retraining Blog (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3).

The late and much-loved Rich Van Konynenburg – an independent researcher, not a medical doctor -explored the role that glutathione may play in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and created a protocol designed to treat methylation blockades that he believed depleted glutathione. Links to his key articles can be found here.

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