Phoenix Rising supports the Millions Missing global day of protest

Phoenix Rising is delighted to support the demands being made in the ME/CFS community’s first-ever global day of protest … Campaign platform #MEAction is organising a global day of protest for ME and CFS, with a campaign called “Millions Missing,” reflecting the millions of patients “missing from their careers, schools, social lives and families,” the millions of dollars “missing from


Phoenix Rising tells QMUL: release the PACE trial data

Mark Berry, Acting CEO of Phoenix Rising, presents the Board of Directors’ open letter to Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) urging them to release the PACE trial data, and hopes that other non-UK organisations will join British charities in the same request…  On 1 February, ME/CFS patient Clark Ellis wrote an open letter to seven major British ME/CFS charities


Home care is the theme for Severe ME Day on August 8th

Why should home care be the theme on Understanding and Remembrance Day for Severe ME on August 8? Helen Brownlie of the 25% ME Group has written an explanation for Phoenix Rising … August 8, 2015, will be the third annual Understanding and Remembrance Day for Severe ME. To mark this, the 25% ME Group — a support organisation for people who have severe


Phoenix Rising Adds Two New Board Members

Mark Berry introduces the new President of Phoenix Rising, Dr. Gary Solomon, and welcomes Professor Jonathan Edwards to the Phoenix Rising Board of Directors. On behalf of the Phoenix Rising Board of Directors, I’m delighted to announce the appointment of two new board members. Regrettably, I also have to say goodbye to one. Karen Luoto has stepped down as President.


Phoenix Rising 2013 Annual Report

Mark Berry, Acting CEO of Phoenix Rising, presents our Annual Report for 2013 Phoenix Rising’s board of directors and volunteers were faced with a daunting set of challenges at the start of 2013, following the departure of our founder Cort Johnson. With only a skeleton staff of volunteers, the tasks that lay ahead of us were to stabilize the organization’s


Introducing the Blue Ribbon Foundation

Ryan Prior recalls why he and Nicole Castillo decided to make a movie about ME/CFS, and explains why they’ve now decided to form the Blue Ribbon Foundation as a new non-profit organization A year ago, I wrote a story for USA Today about my experience with ME/CFS that changed the trajectory of my life. The response to my story taught
