Straight Talk From Dr. Montoya: the Stanford Hospital CFS Lecture (March 2011)

Posted by Cort Johnson Dr. Montoya at Stanford Hospital on CFS March, 2011This definitely wasn’t an ‘get acquainted with CFS’ talk. There was no boring scholarly introduction to CFS (“Chronic fatigue syndrome effects blah, blah, blah….has x number of symptoms….blah, blah…..)…Dr. Montoya was clearly trying to wake people up. Calling ME/CFS one of the most ‘mis-perceived’ illnesses in medicine, Montoya


[Phoenix Rising Newsletter] Comedown for XMRV at CROI/Hope for Ampligen/CFS Hits the Big Time…

Posted by Cort Johnson Welcome to the first Phoenix Rising newsletter with our new newsletter  using the new Amazon ‘Simple’ Mail Service! CROI! — XMRV showed up in spades in the first major Retrovirology conference of the year, CROI (Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections), occurring in Boston. The big news came from a study which suggested XMRV may have


XMRV Buzz! The CFS/XMRV News Page

Posted by Cort Johnson March 6th The WPI’s response to CROI was “It is interesting that infectious XMRV is still found only in human cells and not in mouse cells or mice. In addition, these data have little to say about XMRV infection in humans.” In an email Dr. Mikovits stated “There is still not one piece of evidence of


Hope for Ampligen-Breaking News!

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums Written by Kelvin Lord I’ve been sitting on this story for a couple months now at the personal request of a couple physicians who were “on the fence” but I can now share with those who are interested in getting Ampligen, the future might be a little brighter. As you
