PHANU Rising II: Dr. Marshall-Gradisnuk Talks on Rituximab, Biomarkers and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Posted by Cort Johnson PHANU is rising…. Lead by Dr.Sonya Marshall-Gradisnuk and Dr. Donald Staines, the PHANU ME/CFS Australian research team presented more studies at the 2011 Ottawa IACFS/ME conference than any other, scored a major grant from the Mason Foundation, established close ties with Dr. Peterson at the Simmaron Foundation and is  moving to a larger laboratory at Griffith University.


IACFS/ME on a Roll; Stanford to the Fore! Treatment Primer Gains Recognition and More

Posted by Cort Johnson The IACFS/ME Newsletter was chock full of good news this time… For starters, Stanford, of all places is co-sponsoring the next IACFS/ME Conference! Stanford University to Co-sponsor IACFS/ME Conference in March, 2014 Patient groups groups have always co- hosted IACFS/ME conferences in the past but that’s changed – and in a big way.   One might


Hospital Wants Input From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Patients on Possible NEID Center

Posted by Cort Johnson A Health Service provider may want you (gasp)!   Yes,  it’s true. After all the cold shoulders and denials of coverage, etc. a health services system in the Southeastern United States (to remain unnamed) wants to determine whether it makes sense for them to open an neuroendocrineimmune center focusing on ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, lyme disease, etc.  To


Fibromyalgia Trial Shows Promise…For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Mast Cells and Ketiotifen in …

Posted by Cort Johnson An intriguing Fibromyalgia treatment appears, in its preliminary stages, to be working. A powdered form of Ketiotifen (which is not available yet in the US) may be turning down the activity of important immune cells called mast cells that recent research suggests could be contributing to the pain and fatigue in fibromyalgia (FM) and perhaps even

The FDA will announce its final decision on Ampligen some time around 2 February but could make the decision much earlier.

Ampligen On the Clock: Hemispherx’s ‘Complete Response’ Means Ball is Now in FDA’s Court Now

Posted by Cort Johnson Moving quickly, Ampligen’s producer, Hemispherx Biopharma,  filed its ‘complete response’ to the FDA’s request for data just 53 days after the agency agreed to relax its requirements for review of the drug.  Hemispherx’s ‘complete response’ means we will know by the end of January and perhaps sooner whether Ampligen becomes the first FDA approved drug for


The Treatment Showdown : CDC Toolkit vs IACFS/ME Primer

Posted by Cort Johnson The publication of the IACFS/ME Treatment Primer “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: A Primer for Clinical Practitioners” is a landmark event. In this article we’re going to compare, section by section, the two documents. The CFIDS Association  has created some good doctor education courses in the past  but only the IACFS/ME – the organization of ME/CFS professionals
