Join the Phoenix Rising Team!

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums As most of you know the Phoenix Rising administration and moderation team is rather small at the moment and we’re always looking for new talents and new viewpoints. When joining the PR team there are no must’s (other than putting some time in) – that means that you are free


The Ampligen Supremacy

Discuss this article on the forums Written by Kelvin Lord My favorite line in the “Bourne” trilogy is given by The Professor. He appears briefly in the first installment, but it is in the second film, the Bourne Conspiracy, that Clive Owen utters the quintessential phrase of the movie. After dueling with fellow agent Jason Bourne in the countryside and


Learning CFS: the Lerner Antiviral Treatment Trial Succeeds

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums Quote: Our Clinic has treated hundreds of people who are now living normal lives Background: Dr. Lerner had quite a career before CFS. A check of his research record revealed over five decades of infectious disease work focusing on Coxsackie virus, herpes simplex virus, pseudomonas, interferon, Staphylococcus, Mycoplasma, enteroviruses, myocarditis,


XMRV Is…..Is……Is…..There!

Posted by Cort Johnson XMRV is…is…….There! – Yes, someone actually found XMRV. (gasp!). They weren’t looking for it in the blood or in the prostate tissue or in CFS patients and no, it wasn’t a US Lab that found it, it was a German lab remarkably enough but after months of no positive results it was remarkable finding…XMRV appears to


Dr. Coffin on XMRV

Posted by Cort Johnson The crew at the Phoenix Rising Forums has been busy. Rrrr – went so far as to snag Dr. Coffin, one at the top retrovirologists in the country, and ask him some questions about XMRV. Tracking XMRV Down – What is he and Tufts University doing on XRMV? – Dr. Coffin is looking far, and has


To blue skies…and far away places.

Discuss this article on the forums Written by The Spitfire [attach]2558[/attach] I thought I would follow up, with where things are at, after such a downward spiral last week. Thank you to all who reached out, private messaged me and so forth. I know it may seem inappropriate to talk about menstrual cycles since there are so many men on


Born to Run: NJCFSA Rocks New Jersey

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums Most states don’t have a statewide CFS organization let alone one that puts on conferences, writes comprehensive CFS manuals, provides high school and college scholarships, advises school on pediatric issues and more. In short, the ME/CFS patients in New Jersey have somehow managed to create a viable, proactive organization that
