Lightning Strikes A CFS Patient

Posted by Cort Johnson The Recovery/Recovering Stories : ME/CFS is heterogeneous disorder with many different subsets. None of the treatments in the Recovery/Recovering stories will fit all or even most patients. In May of last year I received an e-mail from Berit Frivold a chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) patient who’d been ill for 13 years. Like many people she’d tried


Hammering CFS: A Vistide Success

Posted by Cort Johnson A Recovering/Recovering Story – The wide range of recovering stories demonstrate how varied the ME/CFS population is; each story will only apply to a subset of people with ME/CFS (Vistide is a very strong drug that Dr. Peterson has been using in select patients for several years now. HVS has been telling about his experiences with


A Visit to Dr. Peterson: Pts I, II and III

Let me begin by listing my reasons for writing this. To share my experiences with everyone who’s interested but may never intend to see Dr. Peterson.To give some insight to anyone who might be considering making an appointment but may have concerns regarding what it may entailTo help someone prepare for a scheduled appointment to see Dr. Peterson Becoming A


Breathing Deep with Valtrex: A Patient Improves

Posted by Cort Johnson The Recovery/Recovering Stories #4 Janet’s  Story What really attracted me to Janet’s story was how multi-dimensional it was.  She’s had both severe endocrine dysfunction and severe pathogen problems. Both high doses of antivirals and alternative ‘behavioral-like’ therapies like meditation and her own quest for (spiritual) wholeness have been important for her. She’s still quite ill but


2009 In Review

Posted by Cort Johnson EVENTS Biggest Event – what else? XMRV takes the spotlight as no research finding has before, retrovirologists across the world clamor for samples, worry mounts about a tainted blood supply, Hilary Johnson blows into the New York Times Op Ed section, and patients gasp and cross their fingers in hopes that it will all work out. See XMRV


A CFS Chart on Every Doctor’s Wall

Posted by Cort Johnson Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is complicated. That’s bad enough for patients but for many physicians it’s entirely too complicated – the last person they want to see walk thru their office door is a chronic fatigue syndrome patient. Given the lack of chronic fatigue syndrome specialists – that’s a big problem – there are no substitutes


Game Changer

Posted by Cort Johnson “Hopefully this will finally make people change their attitudes to this disease.”       Dr. Judy Mikovits The news had been in the air for the last week; the Whittemore Peterson Institute was going to publish something big  – really big – on Friday.  Then early Thursday the news was out – a retrovirus had been


Recovery, Relapse And Recovery (The Recovery/Recovering Stories #III)

Posted by Cort Johnson The Recovery/Recovering Stories – stories from ME/CFS patients who have experienced significant recoveries. The diversity of recovery stories indicates that ME/CFS is indeed a very heterogeneous disorder; any story may or may not apply to a given individual. Martha Kilcoyne detailed how she fully recovered from a severe case of chronic fatigue syndrome in ‘Defeat Chronic


Dr. Cheney Goes His Own Way – Again

Posted by Cort Johnson In April Dr. Cheney startled ME/CFS patients he announced that based on echocardiographic testing, that several commonly used supplements, some of which he had previously championed , were actually bad for ME/CFS patients. They included glutathione/whey protein, coenzyme Q. 10, D-Ribose and Vit D. Now he’s casting doubt on another core treatment; omega-3 fatty acids (fish
