Nominate WPI for the American Express Members Project

Posted by Cort Johnson

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Written by TheMoonIsBlue


******Right next to where it says “Can’t find an organization in our list?”—> There is a link that says Suggest a charity*******
Simply write “The Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro Immune Disease” and Select “Nevada” for the state, enter your email address, and add a few lines (or as much info as your want) about why you you are nominating them.Or visit the WPI website for more info- it’s right on their main page. I also copied this from the site:

October 11, 2010: The Whittemore Peterson Institute would like your help in nominating us for the American Express Members Project.
[read details…]

Please take the time to write in by clicking on the “Electronic Nomination Form” link below. While we are encouraging our patients to speak from the heart in the comment section of the electronic nomination form, we know some will want a specific suggestion as to what to say. Please feel free to cut and paste the copy below to help nominate us. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email us at

The Whittemore Peterson Institute is a non-profit institution whose mission is to serve the millions around the world who suffer from chronic inflammatory neuroimmune diseases such as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, gulf war syndrome, autism and other similarly presenting illnesses. WPI’s current activities include the development of a comprehensive medical research program, educating the public and medical professionals on the most recent advances, while continuing to seek federal medical research funding on behalf of all those who suffer from these debilitating diseases.

As a patient centered organization, WPI supports the search for effective treatments and the prevention of neuroimmune diseases. To accomplish the goal of rapid translation from its basic and clinical research to the medical profession, WPI has created collaborative networks among academic, scientific and medical institutions while continuing to engage with other major health related companies. In August, the Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease (WPI), 501(c)3 corporation, celebrated the opening of a new $77 million dollar clinical research facility at the University of Nevada medical school in Reno, Nevada of which they are an integral part. They are the first institute in the world to integrate research, education and soon, medical treatment of neuro-immune diseases, such as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Even before the official grand opening, they made a break-through discovery that has provided hope to millions of people worldwide who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, (CFS), an often seriously-debilitating disorder that profoundly impairs a person’s ability to hold a job, care for their families and even continue taking care of their most basic needs. Many become home bound and isolated from their friends and family due to the loss of physical stamina and other debilitating symptoms. WPI’s discovery of the strong association between the third human retrovirus (XMRV) and those with CFS and other similar neuro-immune diseases, has significant implications for potential treatment of millions in the U.S. and around the world as well and preventing disease of millions more. Although this institute is located in Nevada, the WPI and its collaborators have already made a significant impact in this field through their active participation at the first International XMRV workshop and commitment to the blood safety working groups of Canada and the United States. Right nex to where it says: Can’t find an organization in our list? There is a link that says “SUGGEST A CHARITY” Click on this, Fill out the form for WPI, your email address, and the reason why you are nominating them

[B]WPI is still in the Nomination phase…….if they receive enough nominations they could be in the running for the next round of voting, if selected, to win ONE MILLION DOLLARS. So everyone, PLEASE Nominate them, Send the link to your friends and family!

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