Phoenix Rising Forum Moderators/Greeters Opportunities

Posted by Cort Johnson

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5902-Communication-Skills.jpgThe Phoenix Rising Forums Could Use Your Help!

Moderating is an essential component of maintaining an environment for passionate, productive conversations on the Forums. The number of moderators at PR has run low of late, putting strain on the moderators present and taking its toll on the community as well, for which we are profoundly sorry.

We are currently in the process of re-working moderator policies and procedures to make it easier on everyone involved and encourage you to apply if you’re interested in a position, even if you’re unsure. No experience is required and there are no set time commitments – we work around (not through!) your health and place a strong emphasis on caring for yourself. In order to maintain this standard we urgently need more hands on deck to lighten the workload and are asking for your help.

Moderating can be challenging at times but for the right person it can have immense rewards. Diffusing a situation before it heats up, resolving differences, returning Forum members to friendly status with each other can be very satisfying.

If you’re someone who treasures passionate productive conversations and are interested or think you might be interested in moderating please let us know.

Greeters! – If you’re interested in welcoming new people to the PR community and helping them find their footing in the PR community we may have a special role for you – let us know.

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