err..Correction! WPI Wins Lawsuit/Science Retracts XMRV Paper/Mikovits Back to Work on XMRV

Posted by Cort Johnson (My apologies! (Another CFS moment…) The last blog contained a draft on the first story – not the completed version.  Thanks for your patience….) When it rains it pours. Events regarding XMRV, Dr. Mikovits and the WPI have come hot and heavy during the last week. WPI’s Civil Lawsuit Against Dr. Mikovits – First some background.  Dr.


IACFS/ME Ottawa CFS Conference Reports: XMRV II: the Coffin/Mikovits Debate, pMLV’s Strike Out …

Posted by Cort Johnson In Part II of the XMRV section of the conference we look at the Coffin/Mikovits presentations, Hanson’s update on her XMRV work and look at the recent XMRV research findings. The pMLVs Strike Out – Hanson Disavows Former Results “The sensitivity of the PCR assays used requires extreme caution in interpreting results Dr. Maureen Hanson” Background
