Twittering the IACFS/ME Conference Pt III

Posted by Cort Johnson

Quick hits from the IACFS/ME Ottawa Conference

#IACFSME – on last day room is quite full. Immune session begins with 3 positive studies on #CFS fr. Australia (Bond), CDC and Lights (Utah)

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – brain blood flow study finds significantly reduced blood flows – anterior cingulate region may explain increased lactate in brain


CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – findings validate strong earlier interest in anterior cingulate region by UK ME researchers


CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – confusing Jones CDC study suggests too many signals from body making their way to the brain overwhelming it

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – Jones proposes that sense of self is interrupted by constant barrage of signals from body….self becomes body sensations in #CFS

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – Clauw proposes sensory processing is key problem in FM and related disorders. Lights believe sensory processing nerves play role

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – ME researcher Baraniuk has suggested that the ‘gates’ that filter sensory information to the brain could be broken in #CFS

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #Emory researcher Miller finds reduced activation in basal ganglia in #CFS which is strongly associated with increased fatigue

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – Miller proposes treatment options should focus on reducing inflammation and enhancing dopamine metabolism in the brain in #CFS

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – Miller proposes pro-inflammatory cytokines in #MECFSknock out dopamine in basal gangia causing fatigue/ difficulty with movement

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – Inflammatory cytokine administration (IFN-@) has been shown to reduce dopamine and activate basal ganglia as it attempts to cope

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – ME researchers years (Chaudhuri?) ago suggested basal ganglia might be the seat of fatigue in #CFS, Miller’s study validates that

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #CDC researcher Boneva findings could suggest adrenal insuffiency, urges aldosterone, renin studies in #CFS

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #CDC researcher finds greatly decreased aldosterone levels in #CFS possibly explaining low blood volume and heart stroke volume

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFME – #Klimas study validates Kerr #MECFS gene expression study including altered immune, viral oncogene, enterovirus and NFKB gene

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #Klimas study validates Kerr gene expression findings in spades with many Kerr genes being highly different in #CFSincluding EBV

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFME – #Klimas study validates Kerr gene expression findings in spades with many Kerr genes being highly different in #CFSincluding EBV

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #Hyde agrees with Unger stating we are not dealing with one disease but several diseases, more comprehensive exams are necessary

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – in GWS neuroimmune pathways are damaged & their systems are upregulating in order to get around them…. – not happening in #CFS

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#iACFSME -#Klimas states in #CFS neuroimmune pathways are being shut down = fewer pathways are available that work -in GWS its the opposite

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#iACFSME – GWI researcher suggests that alterations in detoxification gene (PON1) may have put personnel at risk in Gulf War

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #CDC Chief Unger states motto is now ‘CFS in motion’; CDC will use stress tests in all further studies to boost findings

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #Brenu finds microRNA’s may be shutting down NK cell functioning and cell suicide (of infected cells)…1st miRNA #MECFS study

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #Mangan says CoMorbid Pain Working Group including#CFS with high Institute Support has been formed at NIH to look at connections

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #Mangan states they’re all studying autonomic nervous system and other similar systems as #CFS, he was amazed at the similarities

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #Mangan visits conferences on Interstiial cytisus, vulvodynia, TMJ (allied disorders), states all sound like #MECFSconference

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – Strong US/Australia partnership has clearly developed between Dr. Peterson and Dr. Staines at Bond University In Queensland

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – Bond Univ/Peterson POSTER – preliminary data indicates genes involved in the ‘gestational process’ are different in #MECFS

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – Bond Univ/Peterson POSTER – preliminary data suggests why women with #CFS (and autoimmune diseases) feel better during pregnancy

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – Bond Uni/Peterson POSTER -Preliminary spinal fluid data suggests purinergic signaling, key finding in Light’s work, is off –#CFS

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – Bond Univ/Peterson POSTER – NK cell, cytokine & immune data taken before/after vaccination suggest vaccines may play role in #CFS

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #Bond Univ Aust POSTER -low NK cell functioning patients have altered cytokines, microRNA and cytotoxic molecules in #MECFS

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #MECFS Aussie researchers from Bond University working with Dr. Peterson make big splash in the POSTER section with FIVE posters

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #CDC will do comparison studies of patients in #MECFS physician practices and random population samples, expects differences

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #CDC chief Unger defends ‘Empirical Definition’, says upcoming paper will show ED is not misdiagnosing #CFS, will continue to use

CortJohnson Cort Johnson

#IACFSME – #CDC chief Unger says no more random population studies, will be studying patients in well known #MECFS practices in future

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