Looking Forward: Dr. Peterson on ME/CFS Research, Treatment Options and Hope for the Future

Posted by Cort Johnson (Looking Forward: Dr. Peterson on ME/CFS was derived from notes I took after a talk with Dr. Peterson; the views enclosed hopefully reflect the essence of the talk but any mistakes, of course, are mine. Materials were added from the IACFS/ME Ottawa conference to supplement the article). Thanks to Corinne for arranging a meeting with Dr. Peterson.  Dr.


Twittering the IACFS/ME Conference Pt III

Posted by Cort Johnson Quick hits from the IACFS/ME Ottawa Conference #IACFSME – on last day room is quite full. Immune session begins with 3 positive studies on #CFS fr. Australia (Bond), CDC and Lights (Utah) 21 hours ago CortJohnson Cort Johnson #IACFSME – brain blood flow study finds significantly reduced blood flows – anterior cingulate region may explain increased lactate in brain 19 hours


Twittering the IACFS/ME Ottawa Conference Pt. II

Posted by Cort Johnson Quick hits from the first two days of the Conference. Follow CortJohnson on Twitter tomorrow for more   CortJohnson Cort Johnson #IACFS/ME – #Clauw reports #interstitial cytisus (allied with #CFS) will change name next year to reflect understanding about CNS origin 23 Sep   CortJohnson Cort Johnson #IACFS/ME – #Clauw reports #interstitial cytisus research community acknowledges they were all wrong; its all the central nervous system. 23


Twittering the IACFS/ME Conference Pt. I

Posted by Cort Johnson  Quick hits from International ME/CFS Conference in Ottawa. Follow CortJohnson on Twitter tomorrow for more…. CortJohnson Cort Johnson #IACFSME – over the past year 2 NIH CFS heads, Vivian Pinn the head of the Office of Women;s Health, CDC CFS Chief and Wanda Jones have left 19 minutes ago CortJohnson Cort Johnson #IACFSME – Mangan’s retirement is a big loss


Re-inventing ‘CFS’- the International Consensus Criteria for ME: the Marj Van de Sande Interview

Posted by Cort Johnson Just M.E.  “The Month Of ME’ – in response to a challenge and in recognition of the important role the term myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) has played and continues to play in this disorder, August, 2011 will be the ‘Month of ME’ on Phoenix Rising. We examine ME’s role in this disorder throughout the month. All articles,
