Ending Neglect at the NIH: The ‘Campaign to End Chronic Pain in Women’ Get’s Its Chance

Posted by Cort Johnson The statistics the Campaign to End Chronic Pain in Women cites are startling…$50 million women in the US suffer from six chronic pain conditions (ME/CFS, FM, Interstitial Cystitus, TMD, Endometriosus, Vulvodynia), one of which is ME/CFS, which cost the US economy 80 billion dollars a year…..yet the NIH devotes only $1.36 per woman a year to


The NIH on ME/CFS in 2012 Pt III: Neglect Imperils ME/CFS Research

Posted by Cort Johnson NIH neglect is on the verge of producing a downturn in ME/CFS research that may take years to recover from. Some background information is necessary. The Effective Grant Program (and the Ineffective One) The NIH produces two types of grants; Program Announcements (PA’s) and Requests for Applications (RFAs). Program Announcements ‘announce’ what kind of research the


The Blame Game: A Way Forward?

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums Written by alex3619 Thanks to Alex for allowing us to post a thought-provoking blog suggesting that focusing a bit less energy on righteous indignation and bit more energy on undertaking rigorous examinations of positions and studies might make ME/CFS advocacy a lot more effective. We spend of lot of energy
