Lipkin’s Monster ME/CFS Study: Microbes, Immunity & Big Data

The Microbe Discovery Project outlines an ambitious new study by top researchers that has collected patient samples, but needs desperately funds to complete the work. Columbia University’s Center for Infection and Immunity(CII) has seriously upped the ante on the initial microbe discovery project in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Their impressive, rigorous new study could point the way to diagnostic tests,


The End ME/CFS Project: History Taking Root

Clark Ellis spoke with Dr. Ronald W. Davis and Linda Tannenbaum about the End ME/CFS Project …  History The history books record that in the nineteenth century Louis Pasteur formulated a “germ theory” of microbes as the causative agents of disease, and thus revolutionized medicine. His findings, along with his contemporary, John Snow (who linked cholera to infected water supply), changed

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Dr. Bateman answers IOM questions from the community: Part 1

Clark Ellis brings us Part 1 of an interview with Dr. Lucinda Bateman, where she answered questions posed by the patient community … The Institute of Medicine recently published its report into myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). One of the committee members, Dr. Lucinda Bateman, graciously agreed to answer questions submitted by members of the patient community. Questions were submitted on the Phoenix Rising forum

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Science to Patients: Talking ME, Exercise and the Mitochondria – with Dr Charles Shepherd

The latest video release from the Dutch group ME/cvs Vereniging, with Dr Charles Shepherd from the UK ME Association, and announcing a live chat session to be held Thursday, April 10, 2014… ME/cvs Vereniging launched a series of broadcasts from expert clinicians and researchers in January 2013, as part of a government subsidized project called, “Science to Patients”. Each expert

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Blood Tests: Why Test the Blood? Dr Charles Shepherd

The Medical Advisor to the ME Association, Dr Charles Shepherd, writes about the importance of blood testing prior to receiving a diagnosis, explains what each test means including for children, and considers when new tests might be necessary… Human blood contains red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma. Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body – so a deficiency

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Klimas Conference Video 4: The Basics of Treating CFS/ME and GWI

Jody Smith continues her review of INIM’s Patient Conference with a look at Dr Irma Rey’s presentation. In the fourth video of the Institute for Neuro Immune Medicine’s Patient Conference in January, Dr. Klimas introduced Dr. Irma Rey, Assistant Professor of Medicine, of the Department of Clinical Immunology. Dr. Rey is also Director of Medical Education, Nova Southeastern University, College

Dr Derek Enlander

An Interview with Dr Enlander

Joel (snowathlete) talks with Dr Derek Enlander about a range of topics including Ampligen, the FDA, GcMAF, Methylation, and the various research programs at the Mt. Sinai MEC. Dr Derek Enlander is an internationally recognized expert in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia. Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, he became a fellow of Stanford University Medical School in the USA

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Klimas Conference Video 3: Voices of Hope

Jody Smith continues her review of Nova’s Patient Conference for Dr Klimas with a look at three patients who have improved significantly. “No one has ever taught me more about what to do than my patients.” So said Dr. Nancy Klimas at the Patient Conference hosted by Nova Southeastern University on January 26, 2013. This has to be one of

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Klimas Conference Videos 1 and 2: INIM’s Big Plan

by Jody Smith A Patient Conference for Dr. Nancy Klimas was hosted by Nova Southeastern University on January 26, 2013. I was delighted to see Vonnie Kennedy’s article A Celebration of Hope and Progress with her first-hand view of the morning sessions. Vonnie did not have the advantage I’ve had of being able to see the videos from the conference,
