Phoenix Rising on the Brink at the Chase Contest: One Day Left

On the Brink!

Ever feel like you’re hanging on by your fingers and toes? That’s where Phoenix Rising is right now in the Chase Community Giving Contest. The good news is that we’re in 179th place and would win $10,000 if the contest ended right now. The bad news is that the contest ends tomorrow night at midnight and we’ve dropped almost 30 places in the last 3 days.

Yesterday there were over 100 votes separating us from the last place; tonight there are only 42…Last year 3 ME/CFS groups that were in the money the day before dropped out of it on the last day…The truth is that we’ve climbed a long way in the last two weeks but we really need a hand!

What would we do with this $10,000? Well there’s this nice ‘Rate a Practitioner’ program we’d like to finish up to help you quickly find the good practitioners in your area.. There’s our Community Rising project that would help you find friends and  support in your local community. There’s a website that badly needs updating. There’s a Forum that we could make more accessible to the visually impaired..There are a lot of possibilities….but we’ve gotta get that money first.


If you have voted – thanks! – and please pass the word around to your friends on email, Facbook and Twitter. Just a couple of friends could make a huge difference…

If you haven’t voted yet simply go to Phoenix Rising’s page. Click “Vote”. If it asks you to “Allow” or “Allow App”, click Yes. Then click the Like and Send buttons to spread the word about Phoenix Rising.

Then please vote for the Neuro Immune Disease Alliance (NIDA) – the other ME/CFS organization in the running – by going to NIDA’s page and clicking “Vote”. Again, if it asks you to “Allow” or “Allow App”, click Yes. Then click the Like and Send buttons to spread the word about NIDA

Chase customers – if you happen to be a Chase Bank customer go to, log in, search for your Charity and do the same thing.
Thanks for your help…
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