CFSAC Spring 2013 (May 22-23): How to Participate

Jennie Spotila looks forward to the next meeting of the CFS Advisory Committee – and explains how you can participate. The spring meeting of the CFS Advisory Committee is May 22-23, and we only have a few weeks to prepare. The agenda is not available yet, but we do know about a few new things happening at the meeting. New


The ME/CFS Stigma

 Carol Schmid examines what it is about the nature of ME/CFS that makes it likely to generate skepticism. Despite ME/CFS being an illness so severe that it has been found to cause a poorer quality of life than any major illness including cancer [1], its sufferers continue to be disbelieved, shamed and abandoned by doctors, friends and family. It is

Nancy Klimas presenting

A Celebration of Hope and Progress

In the first of a series of articles by Phoenix Rising writers on the Institute for Neuro Immune Medicine’s Patient Conference at Nova Southeastern University, Vonnie Kennedy gives an overview of the morning session. I was lucky enough to attend the morning session of the 2013 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Gulf War Illness (ME/CFS and GWI) Patient Conference at NSU

Money Jar

To Give Or Not To Give…and How Much?

by Sasha If any of us was Bill Gates, we wouldn’t ask ourselves whether we should donate money to ME charities. We’d just do it. We’d reach into our gigantic bank account and drop our billions on the problem, secure in the knowledge that we were pouring such shedloads – no, planetloads – of cash onto it that the problem
