The Real ME: A Stock Photography Resource for the Media

Sasha announces a new resource of appropriate photos for ME/CFS media stories … We’ve all seen them in the news stories about ME/CFS: the guy in a suit at the office, yawning; the beautiful woman sitting at her desk with her immaculate make-up and elegantly coiffed hair, hand to her head and looking slightly pained. But do pictures that illustrate


Home care is the theme for Severe ME Day on August 8th

Why should home care be the theme on Understanding and Remembrance Day for Severe ME on August 8? Helen Brownlie of the 25% ME Group has written an explanation for Phoenix Rising … August 8, 2015, will be the third annual Understanding and Remembrance Day for Severe ME. To mark this, the 25% ME Group — a support organisation for people who have severe


How we can hijack the media, in four easy lessons

Sasha explains how we can each help to make the most of big media stories about ME/CFS… Love it, hate it, good story, bad story… the media are going to keep reporting on ME/CFS no matter what. But isn’t it time that we saw that coverage as an opportunity? I think we should, because when an ME/CFS story breaks, the doors


The Call for Opposition: Challenging the P2P and IOM Processes

In our second article on how to react to the publication of the draft P2P report, Gabby Klein provides her view of why she and a large group of advocates and patients are continuing their protest of the government’s ongoing control and manipulation of our disease via their processes of the P2P and IOM.  In yesterday’s piece, Clark Ellis critiqued and praised elements in


August 8th – What is the one thing about suffering with severe ME that the world needs to know?

Andrew Gladman brings our coverage of the Understanding & Remembrance Day for Severe ME, airing the voice of patients … Long, lazy August afternoons. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the garden growing, and the children are free from school. For many this time of year means holidays, family get-togethers, and a period of general relaxation. However, for sufferers of


The Fable known as The PACE Trial

Graham, Janelle and Bob, have once again excelled themselves with their latest take on the ‘poisoned apple’ that was the PACE Trial… Once upon a time, long, long ago a king and queen ruled over a distant land. The queen was kind and…. Whoops, sorry there! I got confused for a moment. Wrong fantasy tale… Several years ago a team
