You and M.E. Together – a Carer’s Story

by Charlotte Dyer In May 2005 I met my future husband. Living 200 miles apart we led a hectic life rushing between work and family and meeting each other at the weekends for 48 hours before starting all over again. Joel’s job was particularly demanding, meaning he often had to work until the early hours of the morning, snatching a


The UK Rituximab Trial: A Study in a Hurry

by Sasha On June 6, the Norwegian Medical Research Council agreed to give a large enough grant to the Haukeland Rituximab trial for the study to begin. Later that day, the charity Invest in ME announced that they were initiating a UK Rituximab trial. It seemed to come out of nowhere. There were no details – cost, size, location, research


FDA Drug Development Workshop: Part Three

Gabby (Nielk) and Russell (Firestormm) continue our summary of the FDA Workshop with a look at the first part of Day Two – a discussion entitled “Innovation, Expedited Pathways, and Regulatory Considerations” The FDA Drug Development Workshop for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) took place on the 25th and 26th of April 2013. It was well attended


Call for Investigation into CFSAC Intimidation Allegations

by Mark On June 12, twelve ME/CFS organizations (including Phoenix Rising) and twenty-three advocates wrote to William B. Schultz, General Counsel of Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), calling for an immediate investigation into the alleged intimidation of three voting members of the CFS Advisory Committee (CFSAC). Enclosed with the letter to Schultz was a transcript by Joe Landson
