Phoenix Rising: Worth as much as Vogue?

by Sasha The internet! Full of lovely free stuff. Until recently, we expected to get our news, expert advice, gossip – pretty much everything on the web – without paying. Some content providers write for fun and don’t seek payment, but others need an income from their work. They get that via click-through advertising or because their content is advertising


Make Room on Your Calendar 20 Dec for the Live Webcast of the FDA Ampligen Hearing

Try to leave your calendar open from 8am-5pm EST on the 20th for the FDA’s hearing in Ampligen! Information about the meeting is available at December 20, 2012 Meeting of the Arthritis Drugs Advisory Committee (not mistitled!). The webcast will take place at and Phoenix Rising will attempt to embed the video locally to make it easier to simultaneously

hands around the world

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Webinar: Working Together for Change

by Jody Smith The FDA held the Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Webinar: Working Together for Change on November 15, 2012. An invitation had been issued earlier to Phoenix Rising and anyone interested in attending. There was not much mention of ME/CFS until well into the webinar, which surprised me and left me dismayed at first. Instead, speakers talked about

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CAA Studies Target New Areas In ME/CFS

Posted by Cort Johnson The CFIDS Association of America (CAA) released a list $2 million dollars worth of new CAA funded studies  last week. There’s something of a ‘gestalt’ to a CAA study; the CAA likes to fund studies that gather enormous amounts of information and then use data mining techniques to ferret out new patterns, they like to ‘smush’ researchers
