Dr. Bateman answers IOM questions from the community: Part 2

Clark Ellis brings us Part 2 of an interview with Dr. Lucinda Bateman, where she answered questions posed by the patient community … The Institute of Medicine recently published its report into myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). One of the committee members, Dr. Lucinda Bateman, graciously agreed to answer questions submitted by members of the patient community. Questions were submitted


The End ME/CFS Project: History Taking Root

Clark Ellis spoke with Dr. Ronald W. Davis and Linda Tannenbaum about the End ME/CFS Project …  History The history books record that in the nineteenth century Louis Pasteur formulated a “germ theory” of microbes as the causative agents of disease, and thus revolutionized medicine. His findings, along with his contemporary, John Snow (who linked cholera to infected water supply), changed


Dr. Bateman answers IOM questions from the community: Part 1

Clark Ellis brings us Part 1 of an interview with Dr. Lucinda Bateman, where she answered questions posed by the patient community … The Institute of Medicine recently published its report into myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). One of the committee members, Dr. Lucinda Bateman, graciously agreed to answer questions submitted by members of the patient community. Questions were submitted on the Phoenix Rising forum


MEAdvocacy.org Update and a Call for Continued Support

Gabby Klein reports on news and updates from MEadvocacy.org …  “I have tried raising money by asking for it, and by not asking for it. I always got more by asking for it.”- Millard Full ME Advocacy has been very busy implementing new projects and are seeking your continued support for their upcoming projects. Thank you for your support of MEadvocacy.org.


Surprisingly good outcomes for people who get ME/CFS after Mononucleosis (Glandular Fever)

Sometimes ME/CFS emerges after mononucleosis, or glandular fever. Simon McGrath shares results from a long-term follow-up study from Haukeland University Hospital in Norway … “When will this end?” It’s a question that most ME/CFS patients have probably asked themselves and their doctor many times. I certainly have. Yet there is astonishingly little hard data on recovery rates from this illness or


The Call for Opposition: Challenging the P2P and IOM Processes

In our second article on how to react to the publication of the draft P2P report, Gabby Klein provides her view of why she and a large group of advocates and patients are continuing their protest of the government’s ongoing control and manipulation of our disease via their processes of the P2P and IOM.  In yesterday’s piece, Clark Ellis critiqued and praised elements in


P2P, or not P2P, that is the question

As the 16 January, 2015 deadline for responding to the controversial P2P draft report draws near, and in the interests of balance and representing the whole community, Phoenix Rising presents two differing views on how to react. Today, Clark Ellis flags up important content to critique and to praise in the report. In her article, Gabby Klein makes the case for protesting
