Batter Up! the XMRV/MLV Debate Continues

Posted by Cort Johnson Dr. McClure has been publicly pretty clear that she believes XMRV is not present in ME/CFS. Last week she hinted about an article soon to come out that will explain just how contamination caused XMRV to pop up in ME/CFS patients. Now to her credit she and her Imperial College retrovirologists have put their pen where


Finally Getting ‘IN’

Posted by Cort Johnson XMRV has turned the ME/CFS world upside down and in a very good way. In the past year a‘cast-out’ disorder has shown signs it may be getting ‘in’; getting into major research facilities, getting into the discussion of major officials, getting into the groove that most diseases participate in…. in short its shown some signs of


A Conversation for Possibility

Posted by Cort Johnson What is really possible in ME/CFS? We are so embedded in what hasn’t happened, in our dark history – in what hasn’t happened or what did happen that shouldn’t have happened – that we hardly take time to think about the other side of the coin – what’s possible? If we were put aside our history


Report From the OFFER Conference

Posted by Cort Johnson Dr. Singh An Old Murine Leukemia Virus (MLV) Hand Dr. Singh knows these viruses well and she’s not surprised at the difficulty researchers are having pining them down. She has been studying XMRV for four years and a close relative of it (Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus) for 12 years. ](How lucky we were that a major


Chronic Fatigue Sydrome: 10 Things People Misunderstand About This “Fatigue”

Discuss this article on the forums Written by Jody (written for I think we can all agree that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a stupid name for an incapacitating illness. I think we can also agree that it is exceedingly misleading to the casual observer. Here are ten things that are often misunderstood about the “fatigue” of Chronic Fatigue


Tai Chi: Meditation in Motion by Jody Smith

Discuss this article on the forums (A recent Fibromyalgia Tai Chi study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found substantial improvements after a 12 week, twice a week trial of Tai Chi. SF 36 scores were moderately increased while Fibromyalgia Impact Test scores (FIQ) dramatically improved indicating increased activity levels. They still had fibromyalgia but they felt


The Times They Are a Changing – CAA Nominates Distinguished Researchers To CFSAC…

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums ‘Names’ Step Out – A key, key need for 25 years has been to get distinguished researchers, ‘names’, interested in ME/CFS. We’ve always had good, committed researchers but rarely have we had people who could be counted as ‘opinion-makers’ or leaders. That is changing – quickly. The WPI’s XMRV finding


A Time to Act!

Posted by Cort Johnson “A Time to Every Purpose Under the Heaven” Ecclesiates says there is a “A time to every purpose under the heaven”. I suggest that our time is now. ME/CFS has been ignored and kicked to the side of the road for decades. Twenty-five years later – long after it has been shown to afflict at least


Dr. Cheney on the XMRV International Workshop

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums Dr. Cheney gave permission to have his comments on the Workshop posted here. Thanks to Rich for contributing it. Quote: “I attended and was a poster presenter at the recently completed XMRV conference at the NIH. It was fascinating and I took perhaps 30 pages of notes. The bio-political undertones
