Ampligen Study Take II: A Correction

Posted by Cort Johnson The recent blog on Hemispherx’s Ampligen study has been amended to take account of the fact that the study involved an analysis of data from a 1998-2004 study. The blog in its original state suggested that this was a new study done in response to the FDA’s 2009 concerns. That was not true. Hemispherx may have


ME/CFS Buzz (March 12th 2012)

Posted by Cort Johnson RESEARCH GROUPS ON THE MARCH….. CAA Spells Out Approach in Research Ist Webinar I believe we are at the cusp of a revolution in how CFS is viewed, researched and treated. I don’t know it’s a year or 5 years but the future has never been brighter. Kim McCleary With 471 people enrolled, participation in a


ME/CFS Recovery/Recovering Stories Requested

Posted by Cort Johnson As part of a treatment overview Phoenix Rising is documenting what has worked for individuals who have gotten well or nearly well. While recovery is not common it does happen and we want to find out how. If you’ve recovered or have mostly  recovered please give us your stories. If you know someone who’s recovered please


CAA Studies Target New Areas In ME/CFS

Posted by Cort Johnson The CFIDS Association of America (CAA) released a list $2 million dollars worth of new CAA funded studies  last week. There’s something of a ‘gestalt’ to a CAA study; the CAA likes to fund studies that gather enormous amounts of information and then use data mining techniques to ferret out new patterns, they like to ‘smush’ researchers


ME/CFS Buzz: News of the Week From Phoenix Rising (Feb 29th, 2012)

Posted by Cort Johnson ME/CFS Buzz: News of the Week – a New Feature From Phoenix Rising (weekly short takes on ME/CFS research, treatment and news)   RESEARCH   Fear and Loathing….An Exercise Study  Kinesiophobia, catastrophizing and anticipated symptoms before stair climbing in chronic fatigue syndrome: an experimental study.Nijs J, Meeus M, Heins M, Knoop H, Moorkens G, Bleijenberg G. Nijs


Living in the Shadow of Pain: Jennie Spotila’s Senate Testimony

Posted by Cort Johnson U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Full Committee Hearing on Pain in America: Exploring Challenges to Relief February 14, 2012 TESTIMONY OF JENNIFER SPOTILA This testimony is submitted on behalf of the CFIDS Association of America, in loving memory of Christy Gaffey of Williamsburg, Iowa. Christy lost her battle with chronic fatigue syndrome
