red bug

Lipkin and Hornig go hunting for ME/CFS pathogens

by Simon McGrath For me, the star attraction of Nancy Klimas’ recent CFS/GWI conference was always going to be Professor Mady Hornig and her talk. Hornig might not be well known by ME/CFS patients – yet – but her boss is: Ian Lipkin, who so skillfully handled the XMRV ‘dediscovery’ study (which she worked on too). Despite disproving a link

Nancy Klimas presenting

A Celebration of Hope and Progress

In the first of a series of articles by Phoenix Rising writers on the Institute for Neuro Immune Medicine’s Patient Conference at Nova Southeastern University, Vonnie Kennedy gives an overview of the morning session. I was lucky enough to attend the morning session of the 2013 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Gulf War Illness (ME/CFS and GWI) Patient Conference at NSU

Large meeting room

Feds Under Review: CFSAC Live Webcast Oct 3rd and 4th

The bi-annual federal advisory committee (CFSAC) meeting for chronic fatigue syndrome is upon us. It’s intriguing to note that ME/CFS is one of the few disorders to have a federal advisory panel all to itself. CFSAC contains ex-officio officials who represent a variety of federal agencies (CDC, NIH, FDA, Social Security Administration and others), and ME/CFS professionals who provide recommendations


Immune Problems May Leave Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Adolescents Open To Infections

Cytokine expression profiles of immune imbalance in post-mononucleosis chronic fatigue. Broderick G, Katz BZ, Fernandes H, Fletcher MA, Klimas NG, Smith FA, O’Gorman MR, Vernon SD, Taylor R. J Transl Med. 2012 Sep 13;10(1):191. [Epub ahead of print] Broderick, Fletcher, Klimas, Vernon, Taylor… this big  NIH funded study was loaded with top ME/CFS researchers.  Similar to the Dubbo studies in Australia, the

Griffiths University home o2

PHANU Rising II: Dr. Marshall-Gradisnuk Talks on Rituximab, Biomarkers and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Posted by Cort Johnson PHANU is rising…. Lead by Dr.Sonya Marshall-Gradisnuk and Dr. Donald Staines, the PHANU ME/CFS Australian research team presented more studies at the 2011 Ottawa IACFS/ME conference than any other, scored a major grant from the Mason Foundation, established close ties with Dr. Peterson at the Simmaron Foundation and is  moving to a larger laboratory at Griffith University.


Hospital Wants Input From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Patients on Possible NEID Center

Posted by Cort Johnson A Health Service provider may want you (gasp)!   Yes,  it’s true. After all the cold shoulders and denials of coverage, etc. a health services system in the Southeastern United States (to remain unnamed) wants to determine whether it makes sense for them to open an neuroendocrineimmune center focusing on ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, lyme disease, etc.  To


The Best Drug for ME/CFS? The Other Side of Klonopin: A Patient’s Story and A Survey

Posted by Cort Johnson Klonopin  (Clonazepam) may be the most commonly used drug in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Dr. Cheney hailed its use, putting the drug in the ‘neuroprotector’ column because  its ability to reduce  sensory nervous overload gave the brain, he thought, a chance to rest and rejuvenate itself.  Dr. Bell agreed about its value, stating “For years I have


Joint Request from the ME/CFS Community for Action

Joint Request from the ME/CFS Community  for Action                  Date: June 5, 2012                        To: Secretary Sebelius, Assistant Secretary Koh, Deputy Assistant Secretary Lee, and the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC) Dear Secretary Sebelius, Dr. Koh, Dr. Lee, and CFSAC We strongly believe there is an urgent need for the

Replicating ME CFS research1

Once Is Not Enough… Simon McGrath

(Guest blogger Simon McGrath  focuses on an important topic and stumbling block for ME/CFS – replication studies (or the lack thereof).  The XMRV story presents a somewhat unusual theme; a subject receiving enough study that a consensus (at least to date) has been reached and in relative rapid fashion but a recent blog  found a significant number of research efforts  are
