The Holiday Season vs. ME/CFS

By Jody Smith In North America, the end of November traditionally kicks off the holiday season which runs till the beginning of January. “Holiday season” may seem to be at best an ironic term, at worst a bad joke, for describing this most taxing of time periods, especially for people who are chronically ill, and often poor and isolated as


Writing as Therapy: My ME/CFS Story

Jody Smith reflects on how vital she has found the slow return of her writing ability – how it has helped with the expression of feelings and experiences, contributed to reestablishing a sense of self, and has proved such an important and productive means of social interaction… In my life before ME/CFS, I did a lot of writing. I kept


Living the Half-life of ME/CFS

Jody Smith relates how tiny victories helped her regain a life despite her limitations. What is it about situations that are unfamiliar that make our brains feel lumpy and our bodies feel like they are moving (or trying to) in another dimension? When I was at my sickest with ME/CFS, this wasn’t much of a problem, because I was spending


How Do You Handle Autumn?

Jody Smith explains how autumn sends her body into hibernation mode, and it’s time to slow down – or else. I read recently that the term “autumn” is predominantly used in the U.K. “Fall” is more commonly used in the U.S. I’m Canadian, though, so I guess I can use either one. And I choose “autumn” simply because it causes


Rewarding the ME/CFS Brain

Jody Smith explains how growing virtual lettuce created a real sense of satisfaction and provided a subtle return to the land of the living… I knew I was coming back a bit to the land of the living after several years’ exile when I was able to go online again. Getting onto Facebook and learning my way around was quite a


The Naive Patient

By Jody Smith About 10 years ago I began looking online for information and answers about my mystery illness. At that time, my sleeping and waking hours were upside down. I would sleep most of the day and be up throughout the night till dawn. I spent many disturbing hours online looking for answers. Back then, most of what I


The Subverting of the ME/CFS Mind

by Jody Smith Of all the things ME/CFS is responsible for causing in our brains, this may be one of the biggest. Before I was lambasted by ME/CFS, I was an idealistic and trusting sort, loyal to a fault. I tried to see the best in people, tried to give the benefit of the doubt.   My soft malleable center


ME/CFS and the Poverty Diet

by Jody Smith Chronic illness and the Poverty Diet often go together. Far too often. I was on the Poverty Diet for many years. I have ME/CFS, my husband Alan deals with crippling past injuries and fibromyalgia. We raised our children on the Poverty Diet during more than half their childhoods. It is a no-brainer (pardon the ME/CFS pun) that


How Do You Handle the Summer?

by Jody Smith For most years in the last two decades, summer has been my best season. My serious crashes always took place between September and April. And every year, beginning in May, I would begin my slow climb back toward something resembling health. Laying outside in the sun for 20 minutes or so in the mornings seemed to make


Link between Metabolic Syndrome and ME/CFS?

by Jody Smith As is so often the case, the research on a possible correlation between metabolic syndrome and ME/CFS is scanty. When I came across this threadbare research, though, I was desperate enough to check it out for myself. I recognized myself when I read about the weight gain and difficulties in dropping the weight, but what really rang
