Ampligen (Rintatolimod)

“We have an effective drug that’s very, very safe” Dr. Dan Peterson Nothing better demonstrates the adage that ‘nothing comes easy in CFS’ better than the story of the only CFS drug to ever come before the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Produced by a small pharmaceutical company called Hemispherx that, at least in its early years, displayed a propensity

Twisted History: Ampligen and CFS

A Twisted History  – Twenty years ago advocates were lobbying for ‘fast-track’ status for the new wonder drug they hoped would cure the disease. Ampligen never had a chance of being fast-tracked given the patient population wasn’t dying in large numbers but no one ever thought 20 plus years later the fate of the drug would still be unclear. Ampligen’s

[Phoenix Rising Newsletter] Comedown for XMRV at CROI/Hope for Ampligen/CFS Hits the Big Time…

Posted by Cort Johnson Welcome to the first Phoenix Rising newsletter with our new newsletter  using the new Amazon ‘Simple’ Mail Service! CROI! — XMRV showed up in spades in the first major Retrovirology conference of the year, CROI (Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections), occurring in Boston. The big news came from a study which suggested XMRV may have


Hope for Ampligen-Breaking News!

Posted by Cort Johnson Discuss this article on the forums Written by Kelvin Lord I’ve been sitting on this story for a couple months now at the personal request of a couple physicians who were “on the fence” but I can now share with those who are interested in getting Ampligen, the future might be a little brighter. As you
