ME/CFS and the Poverty Diet

by Jody Smith Chronic illness and the Poverty Diet often go together. Far too often. I was on the Poverty Diet for many years. I have ME/CFS, my husband Alan deals with crippling past injuries and fibromyalgia. We raised our children on the Poverty Diet during more than half their childhoods. It is a no-brainer (pardon the ME/CFS pun) that


How Do You Handle the Summer?

by Jody Smith For most years in the last two decades, summer has been my best season. My serious crashes always took place between September and April. And every year, beginning in May, I would begin my slow climb back toward something resembling health. Laying outside in the sun for 20 minutes or so in the mornings seemed to make


Link between Metabolic Syndrome and ME/CFS?

by Jody Smith As is so often the case, the research on a possible correlation between metabolic syndrome and ME/CFS is scanty. When I came across this threadbare research, though, I was desperate enough to check it out for myself. I recognized myself when I read about the weight gain and difficulties in dropping the weight, but what really rang


Tuning In to Your Ultradian Rhythms

by Jody Smith The struggle with energy (or lack of it) is an integral part of life with ME/CFS. Whatever other symptoms each of us deals with, the ongoing energy black hole and knowing when and how to use what little oomph we might have safely, is a conundrum we all grapple with, often without success. During the times when


Klimas Conference Video 3: Voices of Hope

Jody Smith continues her review of Nova’s Patient Conference for Dr Klimas with a look at three patients who have improved significantly. “No one has ever taught me more about what to do than my patients.” So said Dr. Nancy Klimas at the Patient Conference hosted by Nova Southeastern University on January 26, 2013. This has to be one of

woman before full moon

A Good Night’s Sleep? Not with ME/CFS

by Jody Smith Thanks to the misleading name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the misunderstandings concerning sleep are numerous and contradictory. Those who are unfamiliar with ME/CFS often may conclude that we are sleepy all the time. It doesn’t really work that way. Some of us can’t sleep at all. Others sleep for long periods but never when they’d like to. Many
